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Readying students for a

constantly changing workplace.


By Dennis Heindl




Table of Content  (click on blue hyperlinks) etoc


1.    Executive Summary

2.    The Problem: Answer oriented learning and hyper change

3.    The Challenges: Change-adept thinking and 21st century learning  challenges

4.    The Solution: Move “Thinking” to the forefront of learning  

a.     Acquiring a questioning attitude.

b.    Developing questioning skills within regular subjects.

c.     Developing thinking process skills within projects.  

d.    Assessing students as questioners, not answerers.

e.     Promoting self-awareness as a foundation for thinking.

f.     Teaching thinking skills a separate subjects

5.    Developing a Pull Model of Learning for the Workforce

6.    Flipping Traditional Learning Upside-down


Mahatma Gandhi


“Those who know how to think become their own teachers.”


Executive Summary esum ToC


This white paper was developed from a business and workforce perspective. It works backwards from the needs of knowledge workers and addresses the question: How might students become better prepared for a 21st century work place.


It is based on this premise:



Society must now develop change-adept knowledge workers who “Think” their way through change instead of relying on continuous training to  Learn” their way through change.




A “Question” oriented approach to education


The underlying theme of this whitepaper and the cornerstone of this authors work efforts to develop facilitated thinking technology is … Asking better questions can significantly improve knowledge workers thinking effectiveness.


Looking back at my education, I can’t remember a single test that measured my ability to ask good “questions”. What appears to be needed in education today is a way to develop better questioning abilities and measure students’ performance based on asking the right questions. In other words:


The Problem: Answer oriented learning ToC eprobproblem


Today’s “Answer” oriented education


A little more than a century ago Industrial companies valued standardization. Factory workers were measured on how efficiently (robot-like) they worked and how well they could memorize routine work practices. They were not encouraged to ask a lot of questions or do much on-the-job thinking.


Education successfully met those needs with standardized curriculums and standardized tests that required memorizing standard answers. Even today, students are measured on their ability to give the right Answers:


  • Answers to formal tests … Answers to pop quizzes        
  • Answers to a problems … Answers to hypotheses
  • Answers to teachers’ questions … Answers to everything!


Answers STOP thinking … Questions START thinking


There is nothing wrong with memorizing answers, in fact the more answers you can memorize the more successful you become. The problem with this approach, however, is generally once an answer is given … thinking stops.


  • When the test is done, thinking about the content can stop.
  • When we find an answer (any answer) to a problem, thinking about the problem can stop.
  • When someone gives us an answer, even if it’s the wrong answer, thinking can stop.


Education in an era of hyper-change


Today, students graduate from High School without even knowing what kinds of work will exist during their Lifetime.  So if we cannot predict the kinds of jobs students will be doing, how can we predict what knowledge students need to be taught?


The answer is in understanding how work has evolved from a world of much certainty and little change to today’s world where the only certainty seems to be change.  


From manual work to knowledge work


In the past, the world was largely comprised of manual (blue-collar) workers who became very efficient in performing repetitive tasks. For the most part, the traditional educational and learning models were fine for preparing students for this kind of worker. But what about today’s workers?


As Richard Florida describes in his book, The Rise of the Creative Class, the good old days have given rise to knowledge (white-collar) work for about 50% of the US workforce, and growing. 


Today, information driven knowledge-workers are being asked to think and modify the work routine to better respond to any change in the marketplace, personalized customer needs and be ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities.


But Wait … Most of us don’t like change!


Change for most people represents breaking habits and lifestyle routines, losing predictability and control, as well as the potential loss of applicable work skills and knowledge. 


Change for most organizations is also difficult. Organizations by their nature are not predisposed to change. In fact, a primary purpose of organizational structures is to produce predictable behaviors.  Change strikes at all levels of an organization, and has an impact across all functions. No aspect of corporate life escapes its effects.


The result is many people, including life-long career knowledge-workers, are now starting to lose confidence in their ability to stay competitive and meet the challenges of change. A growing amount of stress is entering the workplace.



The Challenges echal ToC challenges


The future of American competitiveness is now about finding new ways to boost U.S. knowledge-worker thinking productivity and is related to overcoming these challenges.


  • Information Overload and Spin: Not only is information overload making it difficult to acquire the relevant information to use, but sources of information have become varied. Anyone can now “spin” information and data. So how can workers (or anyone) assess truthfulness of information and the validity of data/facts that were receive?


  • More Interconnected Work: The ability to build both real and virtual relationships that blur traditional organizational structures becomes essential. Networked relationships and the free flow of communication can empower worker collaboration and responsiveness to constant change.


  • Knowledge/Skills Obsolescence:  The lifespan of useful knowledge and human skills is growing shorter.  But continually upgrading skills can be very costly.



  • Capacity to Remember: While information needs are escalating, the capacity of the human brain to retain more information has not increased much. For example, in a study at Carnegie Mellon University, Robert Kelley analyzes how much information the average worker remembers about doing his or her job. He found that in 1986 workers could retain in memory about 75% of all the information they needed to do their job. By 2006 information needs increased so much that the average workers could only retain only about 10% of the information they needed for their jobs.  



  • Learning and Forgetting: Human memory also has recall limitations. The average person (knowledge-worker) remembers 100% of what they have been taught for only a short time. So when the time comes to apply learning on-the-job much might have been forgotten. In the past when workers perform routine tasks, this limitation was not a problem … BUT IT IS NOW!



  • Scripted (Autopilot) Thinking: While we all possess the ability to think in different ways, each of us has developed dominant (scripted) thinking patterns. When confronted with a thinking task, the mind instinctively draws upon the skills that are most familiar to guide us.  While this kind of scripted thinking works well for doing routine tasks, the danger of using routine thinking patterns is that it can prevent knowledge-workers from seeing anything other than what is revealed by that script


In many respects this could be considered thinking on autopilot. A common example is driving to work that follows the same route. We know thinking occurs, but sometimes we arrive at work not quite remembering how we got there. This kind of autopilot thinking works well when nothing changes. But what happens if our regular route is closed for construction … autopilot thinking will not get you to work. Now, some real “change-adept” thinking is in order.


The Answer  eans ToCanswer


There is no argument about accelerating CHANGE, and no secret that the next five to twenty years will be a very difficult road for the unprepared.  


So why don’t we better prepare for managing change?


Is it complacency? Laziness?  Denial? Why in the face of obvious change do people interpret and filter information through the relative 'safety' of the past? Are we scared of change, or is it purely a fundamental lack of ability to engage in the right kind of thinking needed to manage the process of change?


The answer is the later.  Most of us have never been formally taught how to “THINK” through change.  Until now, there really was never a need for this kind of “Change-adept” thinking. Autopilot thinking was sufficient for most everything we did.


What is Change-adept Thinking?


Compared to routine autopilot thinking that is based on known information and past experience, change-adept thinking is based on unknown and uncertain information. There is no or very little past experience to guide our thinking. See chapter 2 for a detailed description.


Today, businesses are starting to recognize the need for change-adept thinking because they are now touting the value of creative and innovative thinking in their employees. Google had over 60,000 hits on the phrase ‘Innovation Conferences’.  While innovative and creative thinking are obviously very important, change-adept knowledge workers must be able to do: Systems thinking, Strategic thinking, Futures thinking, Contextual thinking, Critical thinking and Collaborative thinking.


But … Thinking gives me a headache


Autopilot thinking is easy because it uses the same well oiled thinking paths. Change-adept thinking is NOT easy because it goes down little used thinking paths. For most people this kind of thinking is not fun, is hard work, and in some cases too much of it can even give us a headache! 


So what’s the answer? How can thinking be made easier, more fun and a lot more effective? As this book describes, the answer is in improving knowledge workers thinking abilities with the aid of cognitive tools. BUT … how can High Schools and Colleges also better prepare students for this kind of workplace?


The Solution: Moving THINKING to the forefront of education   ToC esolnsolutionhs


Is American high-school education obsolete?


As Microsoft’s Bill Gates puts it: “American high-school education is obsolete. When I compare our high schools to what I see when I'm traveling abroad, I am terrified for our work force of tomorrow. Our fourth graders are among the top students in the world. By eighth grade, they're in the middle of the pack. By 12th grade, U.S. students are scoring near the bottom of industrialized nations”.


OK Bill, let’s assume you are right. But you didn’t tell us why this is happening or what is the solution? 


For our perspective, the reason and solution are fairly straight forward and follows this basic assumption: Students that ask questions are more engaged in their own learning and are really thinking about their learning.  The relationship between questions and performance seems to be:


  • When students stop asking questions … Thinking stops
  • When thinking stops … learning stops.
  • When learning stops … performance drops.


Applying this premise to Bill’s quote finds this correlation. Higher scoring fourth grade students still ask lots of questions and are generally engaged in their learning. However, as students move through higher grades they become less prone to ask questions. When students reach HS, many are fearful of asking questions that may make them took “stupid.” This fear turns into losing the ability to ask good questions and results in poor performance in school and ultimately the workplace.




What’s needed is a comprehensive approach that puts THINKING at the forefront of High School education. This can be done easily, quickly and without needing to change much subject material or course content by implementing these six proposals.


1.    Acquiring a questioning attitude.

2.    Developing questioning skills within regular subjects.

3.    Developing thinking process skills within projects. 

4.    Assessing students as questioners, not answerers.

5.    Promoting self-awareness as a foundation for thinking.

6.    Teaching some thinking skills as separate subjects.


Note: Each of these proposals have a web link with more detailed information, see below.


1. Attitude: Acquiring a questioning attitude ToC eattattitude


Einstein once said:

"What's different about me?

It's my ability to ask the right questions clearly and cleanly."


Our attitude is the window through which we view the world and drives our thinking and actions. A positive mental attitude prompts automatic responses for finding good. A negative attitude prompts pessimistic responses for finding the bad in situations.


One of the more important jobs of education is helping students realize that becoming a good questioner is one of the keys for a successful life. This begins with helping students acquire a questioning attitude. If students don’t have the intention to ask good questions, nothing much will change.  The mindset that students need to acquire follows this Chinese proverb:


 There are no foolish questions, and no one becomes a fool until they have stopped asking questions.”




Like most everything in life, the key to acquiring a questioning attitude is simply a conscious effort to start DOINIG IT. An easy way to start is to have a fun class discussion that gets kids thinking about why questions are important. The following is an application to help teachers prepare for this discussion. 


Questioning Attitude Class

Famous Quotes (Get lesson plan)

         A prudent question is one-half of wisdom. — Francis Bacon

        Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. — Voltaire

        It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers. -James Thurber


Why Questions are Important (Get lesson plan)

New ideas depend on asking ordinary questions in unusual places.

Questions can be dangerous to the status quo.

Nothing stifles thinking more quickly than knowing the answer.


How to ask good questions (Get lesson plan)



2. Classroom: Developing “thinking skills” within content ToC eclassclassroom


Critical Success Factor – Teacher Courage & Humility


Critical thinking maybe more difficult to teach than to learn. Critical thinking questions encourage students to engage and challenge their teachers and learning. This means teachers will need the Courage to withstand having their knowledge challenged. This also means teacher will need Humility to understand that they don’t have all the answers and that there are always new approaches and different ways of learning


Putting the questioning attitude into practice in the classroom.


Thinking skills include questions that empower: critical thinking, higher order thinking, collaborative thinking and contextual thinking.


  1. Critical Thinking Questions: Critical thinking is, in short, self-awareness of how you are thinking while you are in the process of thinking. The goal is to improve personal intelligence to help ensure students are applying the best thinking they are capable of for any given situation.


  1. Collaborative Thinking Questions: Asking collaborative thinking questions facilitates dialogue which produces a collective intelligence.  The goal is for teams, groups, organizations and entire communities to think and act in partnership to create results that no one person alone could produce.


  1. Higher Order Thinking Questions: Higher Order questions are process oriented.  Thinking is significantly aided by knowing the right sequence in which to ask questions.


  1. Contextual Thinking Questions: There is a positive correlation between people who think better with people who have acquired relevant information and knowledge to thinking upon. Applying good thinking upon incorrect, biased or incomplete information results in poor quality and ineffective thinking.





Teachers need to add questions to their lessons with little change in lesson plans and content. With a simple button click or voice inquiry, they need to access on-demand questions they can use. The following is the main menu for an application that does that. 


Questions in the Classroom

Main Menu

Thinking Tasks

Critical Thinking Questions

Bloom “Content” Questions

Higher Order Thinking Questions

Team Thinking Question

  Observe Situation





  Find the Meaning





  Identify Purpose/Goal





  Gather Data





  Analysis Data





  Create Ideas/Solutions





  Evaluation Criteria





  Make a Decision:





  Predict Consequences





  Identify Action Steps






3. project Project Learning ToC  eproj


Projects as a Game and Entertainment!


There is a growing interest in using things like simulation games, web based wiki projects and Avatars in virtual reality to make learning fun for students ... even ENTERTAINING!  This is a powerful step in the right direction, not just because it does a better job for learning content, but because it promotes student thinking abilities to acquire the content.  As good as they are, the weakness in games is they still focus on the outcome or the answer at the end of the game! The missing and important part is the “thinking process” or the right thinking sequence that gets the student to the right answer.


Developing “thinking processes” within projects.


In the workplace, all thinking has some purpose … to solve a problem, reach a goal, understand information, etc. And all thinking is done within thinking processes or the mental frameworks in which thinking occurs to solve the problem, reach the goal or understand the information.


Understanding the thinking process (sequence of thinking tasks) can significantly influence thinking. Skipping or missing a thinking task can lead to ineffective thinking, for example: 


  • Choosing the right thinking process (purpose) affects the question(s) you ask.
  • Asking the right question affects the information you gather.
  • Information gathered affects how you analyze the situation.
  • The way you analyze information affects your conclusions.
  • Your conclusions affect how you develop ideas or solutions.
  • Your ideas and solutions affect your actions.
  • Your actions affect the quality of your work/life!



Just as teaching content is best done by using a “Content within Context” approach, Teaching thinking is best done using a “Thinking within Process” approach. The best way to learn thinking processes is through a fun project based learning approach. 


The recommendation is to provide teachers and students with the following Project Planning application. The following application mentors students with questions, skill builders and fun games and exercises at each step of the thinking process. 


Project Plan

Main Menu

Project Phases (Tasks/Steps)

Skill Builder

Games, Exercises

Progress Report

Project Definition




  • Determine purpose and goals




  • Identify personal beliefs




  • Develop Key Questions to Ask




Project Requirements




  • Primary thinking process to use




  • Data to collect and investigate




  • People involved




Project Design & Solution




  • Generate Ideas /Solutions




  • Make a Decision




Project Implementation




  • Develop Implementation Plan




  • Communicate Project Results






4. assessment Assessment: Assessing students as questioners, not answerers   ToC


Today the focus in education is in teaching content with learning how to think a byproduct of learning content.  So quite naturally assessment is about measuring content. 


A complete opposite shift is needed in education where the primary focus is on teaching students how to think with learning content coming as the byproduct of thinking.  An assessment process needs to measure thinking abilities and should be based on this premise:


If … it is true that students who have questions are really thinking and learning.


Then … would it be beneficial to give students exams that ask them to list all of the questions that they have about a subject (content), including all questions generated by their first list of questions.


Answers STOP thinking.  Questions PROMOTE thinking


The current assessment “of” learning process is mostly answer oriented. Its primary purpose is to measure students’ mastery of content.  The test is generally the end result where thinking stops and most content about the subject forgotten.


Today, there is a growing interest in assessment “for” learning where the focus is on providing immediate feedback on a student’s strengths, weaknesses and gaps in skills and knowledge. While this is a step in the right direction it falls short because it still focuses on feedback to improve answers. 


Paradigm Shift


A paradigm shift is needed that moves from an assessment process based on students giving “answers” to students giving “questions.” When questions become the way to assess student performance, the question itself promotes more learning. As Thomas Merton would put it “The question is the answer”


Recommendation: AND/BOTH assessment process

What is needed is an assessment process that BOTH measures content mastery AND measures thinking abilities through questions that promotes better thinking and better understanding of the content. The following rubric is designed to both measure content and students ability to think by asking the right questions. It contains the “Query Fors and “Listen Fors






Formative Thinking Assessment

Main Menu




5. character Character Education: Basis for thinking and learning  ToC echar


An important underpinning for thinking and learning can be summed up by Socrates who said: “The secret to leading a productive, ethical and meaningful life is in two simple words – “Know thyself”.


For some students, the search for an adequate sense of self can be so powerful that it takes precedence over all else in the life … including learning.  So if knowledge and content keeps changing over a lifetime, one lifetime thing that can be taught is helping students find a sense of self on which to build their lives.


Students gain this self-knowledge by regularly examining their behavior and reflecting on the kind of person we are and would like to be. When students do reflective thinking, they are more inclined to be more honest with themselves, admit what they don't know and take responsibility for their actions. It works like this.


  • Self-awareness leads to knowing personal performance strengths and weaknesses
  • Knowing performance leads to change improving strength and overcoming weaknesses.
  • Improving performance leads to better problem solving (goal setting, teamwork, decision making).
  • Better problem solving leads to a willingness to solve more problems.
  • Solving more problem leads to higher self-esteem
  • Higher self-esteem leads to more self-confidence to face the challenges of school, life and work.



High School students need self-mentoring Character Education software that functions like a counselor, teacher or advisor. The following Self-mentoring software application prompts students to ask questions to help them become more conscious of their own personal characteristics, beliefs and patterns of behavior. 


A major advantage of this approach is it offers a completely safe, unbiased and non-judgmental environment for student to explore who they are. This type of self-assessing software enables students to explore their own ideas and solutions more thoroughly before interacting with a teacher or guidance counselor.


High School Student Self-coach

Main Menu

Performance Character   

      Personal Visioning

      Personal Problem Solving

      Positive Mental Attitude

      Personal Pattern of Success

      Setting Goals

      Making Better Decision

      Develop Action Steps and Plans

      Time Management & Organization

      Self-Assessment & Development      

Moral Character

       Truth, Honesty & Personal Integrity

       Friendship and Teamwork

       Respect and Caring

       Ethical & Moral thinking

       Social & Emotional Intelligence

       Empathy & Listening

       Self-awareness Journaling



6. curriculum Curriculum - Teaching Thinking as separate subjects  ToC


Teaching Thinking Skills


Doing a Google search found thousands of hits for the phrase “Teaching Thinking Skills” but only few for “Teaching Thinking Processes.”  In summary, it was commonly found that teaching thinking skills were things like: observing, exploring, defining, analyzing, classifying, synthesizing, comparing, evaluating, planning, predicting, etc.  Much seemed related to Blooms Taxonomy.


There was also discussion about teaching thinking skills as a separate subject or within subjects. The general consensus was the best way to teach thinking skills was through ‘infusing’ thinking skills into the teaching of content areas.  While this is true, this approach misses teaching thinking processes.


Teaching Thinking Processes


Review of web sites on teaching thinking processes found virtually no consensus on what even the term even meant. Discussion ranged from teaching Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence to Dewey’s’ Constructivist Theory. For our purpose here is a summary of Chapter 2 definition of Thinking Processes.


Thinking Processes


Basic Reasons for Thinking

Thinking Frameworks

(Higher Order Thinking Processes)

1. Acquire information / knowledge

Contextual thinking process

2. Discover new knowledge

Scientific process

3. Resolve conflict /manage change

Problem solving

4. Develop something NEW

Creative thinking process)

5. Make something BETTER

Improvement process

6. Set and attain goal

Planning process

7. Forecast and prepare for FUTURE

Futures Thinking process

8. Restore a PAST condition

Root cause analysis

9. Manage complexity

Systems thinking process

10. Choose among alternatives

Decision Making process

11. Take Action

Implementation process



In addition to infusing teaching thinking skills in subjects, it is recommended that at least these two courses be taught.


  1. The Eleven Basic Purposes and Processes of Thinking

Course Objective: Understand the basic reasons for thinking and be able to select the right thinking process for any situation encountered in life.


  1. How to find and ask the “Perfect” question

Course Objective: Every situation you encounter in life has a “perfect” question that provides the best result for that specific situation. The objective of this course is showing you how to find and ask the “perfect” question.



Developing a Pull Model of Learning for the Workforce  ToC  epull solutionhs


We all know that it is necessary to train our workforce, but it can be difficult to measure its ROI.  Training is one of the most difficult and challenging areas to see real benefits. Training takes time out of the productive work day and course attendance can seem impossible. And, managers complain that they do not have enough time or the expertise to enhance their employee learning on the job.


But, learning is more important than ever for our workforce … yet most organizations invest much of their budget on Formal training that “pushes” knowledge and information at workers. A major weakness in this approach is that workers acquire information they never use or the information they do need is likely to be forgotten by the time they need it.


What’s needed is a Pull learning appraoch that uses self-mentoring software changes that because trainees walk away with a tool to use in their daily work.  It can be viewed as a link between training and ongoing performance improvement.  Or, an extension of classroom training into the workplace with alignment to employees work requirements for use when and where it is needed.


The “Push” learning approach


This way of learning tends to treat students as consumers whose knowledge and information needs can be anticipated and pre-determined.


Most company training programs today use a just-in-case learning approach that “pushes” knowledge and information at workers… with hope that some of it will stick. New learning technologies must allow workers to “pull the learning they need … at the exact moment when it is needed.


Using a push model of learning worked well in the era of little change where you did not have to remember much. However, in an era of constantly changing work, push learning has major weakness like:

  • Learning unimportant information that will never be use.
  • Learning important information that may be forgotten by the time it needs to use it.
  • Acquiring valuable educational material but rarely using it.
  • Losing access to Professors as a learning resource.


The “Pull” learning approach


In a pull model of learning, the student decides what they need to learn at the moment of learning. The model strives to continually expand the choices available while at the same time helping students to find the right cognitive tools (Thinklets) and learning resources that are most relevant to them.  Major benefits are:

·         Learning on demand, immediate reinforcement

·         Learning while working, not separate from working

·         Self-service, flexible delivery

·         Peer learning, community of practice, collaboration


Flipping traditional learning upside down  eflip ToC

Instead of thinking being a byproduct of learning  content … the time has come where content becomes the byproduct of learning thinking.


Informal Learning Support System for continuous improvement


Informal Learning Support Systems enable knowledge workers to “pull’ the learning they need at the moment of need. With this approach the workers call the shots when they need the knowledge to do the job. This type of learning system essentially flips upside down the formal learning model and uses a “backwards” learning approach that supports continuous informal on-the-job learning. 


Development of Thinking & Learning Support Systems essentially flips upside down the formal learning model and uses a “backwards” learning approach that supports users on-the-job.  It would include these five levels.


Level 1: Self-learning via facilitator questions: The ultimate goal is for the knowledge-worker to think through continuous change and “learn” when their jobs require it.  This level works by simply finding and asking the right question which gives the workers mind the best chance to find the right answer. 


Level 2 – Self-learning via cognitive tools:  This level goes deeper with knowledge workers (students) accessing cognitive tools that have encapsulated “Expert” knowledge. Like any manual tool, knowledge workers choose the cognitive tool appropriated for the thinking task at hand.      


Level  3 - Exercise Learning:  If a person needs more detailed learning this level provides exercises, examples, demos , videos, etc.


Level 4 - Coaching “Apprentice” Learning: This level is more of an apprenticeship or learn-by-doing model and uses simulation software. 


Level 5 - Formal Training and eLearning: The lowest level uses formal training. This level focuses on knowledge acquisition for work tasks of a complex nature that may require hands-on practice, or the distributing large amounts of knowledge to new workers.  It can be characterized as instructor-led in face-to-face, virtual or blended classroom settings or perhaps taught by simulation programs.


One semester of learning … in one hour.


Traditional Process Improvement (Six-Sigma Black-belt) training can take 5 to 20 days at costs ranging up to $40,000 per person. Not all organizations can make this kind of investment, yet the value of this training should not be limited to companies who can afford it. Everyone (small and mid-sized companies, school districts, churches, NPOs and virtually any organization or individual) should derive the benefits.


For example, in 60 minutes anyone can learn to use a Lean Sigma Thinking & Learning Support System that emulates the knowledge, skills and abilities of Black belts. Now, anyone can be continuously facilitated at each step of Six Sigma process as if they had a skilled black-belt guiding them.


In the moment learning.


The best way to describe this is with an example: Let’s say you are in a meeting discussing a complex problem, and


  • Person one says: We really need to look at this problem from a systems perspective.
  • Person two says: Is there anyone here who “knows system thinking and can guide us?
  • Person three says: I read Peter Senge’s 422 page Fifth Discipline book on system thinking years ago … as I remember it was pretty complicated.
  • Person four says: I’m starting a 6 week systems thinking class next week.
  • Person six says: Wouldn’t it be nice if Mr. Senge were here to coach us now.
  • Person seven says: Let me use my phone to get systems thinking fascinator questions and some thinklets to get us going.


So within a matter of minutes, person seven had a variety of system questions and a Systems Hierarchy thinklet that the team started using … just as if Peter Senge were personally facilitating the meeting.


This approach works because if you provide your mind with systems questions and tools (thinklets), your mind will naturally start to do systems thinking. Now, of course, reading Peter Senge wonderful systems books is going to help … but this “learn by doing” approach is going to help you even more.


Co-author wanted


 I would like to work with an educator to develop another paper from an educational perspective. If interested, please contact me. Dennis Heindl is President of Nth Degree Software, Inc. and can be contacted at dj@nthdegreesoft.com  or at 414-529-1878.



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