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Lean Six Sigma

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Lean Six Sigma                 Performance Improvement



Six sigma Consultant On-demand provides the processes, methods and tools to design (or redesign) products, services and processes needed to achieve lots of improvements for small and mid-sized companies, school districts, and virtual any organization..


You will walk away knowing how to use (your own copy of) the following fully customizable software application with the following 21 powerful tools and over 200 key facilitator questions




DEFINE the business process, project boundaries, customers, their product and service requirements and expectations.

Process Steps/Tasks


Task 1: Identify improvement opportunities.

·               Treatment Alternatives

·               Identify Improvement Opportunities

·               Individual Work Observation & Improvement

·               SWOT Analysis


Task 2: Select the best business process opportunity to work on.

·               Opportunity Selection Matrix


Task 3: Define process boundaries, customer requirements & goals.

·                 SIPOC Diagram

·                Voice of Customer CTQ Requirements


Task 4: Develop the business case and prepare a project charter.

·            Project Charter



MEASURE the business process to determine current performance and establish new measurement metrics as needed.

Process Steps/Tasks

Recommended Tools

Task 1: Identify Measurements and prepare a data collection strategy.


·                Balanced Scorecard:  Dashboard

·               Data Gathering Strategy

·               Data Relevancy Analysis


Task 2: Gather baseline information and measure current performance.

·               Pareto

·               Input-Task-Output Chart

·               Interaction & Relationship Worksheet

·               Value Stream Map



ANALYZE the data collected to determine root causes of defects/problems and identify gaps between current performance and new metrics.

Process Steps/Tasks

Recommended Tools

Task1 Task 1: Identify the obstacles that are preventing this process from improving.


  • Obstacle Analysis
  • Deviation Analysis


Task 2: Analyze the root causes of existing defects and problems.  



·               Cause & Effect Fishbone Diagram

·               Causal Chain Analysis

·               Root Cause Analysis Questions



IMPROVE the business process by designing (and implementing) creative solutions to eliminate defects/problems or achieve desired performance levels.

Process Steps/Tasks

Recommended Tools

Task 1: Generate lots of improvement ideas.

·                   STOP

·                   Generate Improvement Ideas

·                  Attribute Brainstorming


Task 2:   Synthesize ideas into an implement-able solution. 

·                Affinity Diagram

·               Practical Solution Pros & Cons


Task 3:  Pick the solution to implement.  

·               Decision Making Strategies

·      Evaluation Criteria Checklist


Task 4: Design, test and implement solution. 

·               Design the Solution

·               FMEA

·               Test the Solution



CONTROL the improvements to ensure they are functioning and develop processes to maintain “new performance” levels and prevent reverting back to “old performance”.

Process Steps/Tasks

Recommended Tools

Task 1: Develop control and feedback to maintain and promote continuous improvement. 

·               Systems Feedback

·               Histogram and Frequency Charts

·               Run control

·    Scatter Diagram

Task 2: Perform a post implementation review to determine if improvement goals have been met and to document lessons learned. 

·               Lessons Learned – Facilitator questions

·               Project Summary







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