Tutorial – Using App



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This app is designed to be used in real-time. It’s like having a spiritual leader or expert available at all times to help guide your CONSCIOUS SPIRITUAL THINKING.






Quick Start


Jump start your mastery of spiritual thinking with these three thinking practices that all Spiritual Thinkers use.







Thinking Process


Thinking Processes are the mental structures or frameworks in which thought occurs.   Thinking processes are essentially a sequencing of thinking tasks.


Skipping or missing a thinking task can lead to ineffective thinking.





Question Sets


Asking the right “spiritual” questions gives your mind the best chance to find the right ideas, answers, solutions and actions to take.


When you ask the right spiritual questions, you succeed as an effective spiritual thinker.





Thinklets Toolkit


Using the right cognitive tool is like using any manual tool, choose the one appropriate for the task at hand.


Using the wrong cognitive tool is like a carpenter using a hammer when they should have used a saw.




Spiritual Connections


While this app offers you some powerful tools to advance your spiritual thinking, it can only serve a portion of your needs. Use the Human Spiritual Connections Network to help find the right individual or organization to talk with.





Social Media


Connect to spiritual thinking people – EVERYWHERE!




   Linked In

   You Tube















Use these quotes as thought provokers.












Describes how this app helps you become a change-adept thinker



1.                App - Overview

2.                App - Synopsis

3.                App - How to use it?

4.                Facilitated Thinking Technology