Tutorial – App Synopsis st



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 st1 Applet 1: Personal “Awareness” Thinking

If you want to change your life, you need to know yourself in order to know what needs changing.  Becoming more aware of how you think empowers you to build on your areas of strength as well as finding areas where you might like to make improvements.


Self awareness is so important that most life coaches believe it is the fundamental building block for change.  So, to develop your spiritual thinking abilities, a critical first step is to become aware how you currently think.   


1.1: Become aware of your thinking


For many of us, we take our thinking for granted and pay little attention to it. Instead of making a deliberate effort to direct the mental traffic in our heads, many of us simply follow the thinking of others or let our emotions guide our actions. Use the following questions and thinklets to help build awareness of your thinking. 


1.2: Assess ways to improve your thinking

Once you know how you think, you become empowered to find ways to improve it.  A powerful and easy way is to acquire a questioning mindset.  Asking questions gives our mind the best chance to succeed as effective thinkers.



Applet 2: Community “Oneness” Thinking

Mindfulness is being conscious of what you are doing … while you are doing it.  It is about putting yourself in the present moment so you can spend a few minutes observing and contemplating what’s happening. Putting yourself in the present gives you a different level of awareness and frees you to take conscious actions rather than simply making an emotional response.


2.1: Develop a personal mindfulness and contemplation

Most of us don’t pay much attention to our thinking patterns. Instead of making a deliberate effort to direct the mental traffic in our heads, we pretty much leave it to chance and autopilot thinking. Mindfulness and contemplation is about stopping at any given moment and taking a quick reading of your current reality. This gives your mind the mental input and time needed to engage consciously and thoughtfully as the current event unfolds.


2.2: Develop a collective mindfulness

As the world gets more connected, a collective mindfulness becomes more essential. The ability to work and think collaboratively enables us to leverage our collective knowledge, ideas, and wisdom for the betterment of all.



 St3 Applet 3: Systems “Wholeness” Thinking

In today’s world, facts can easily become distorted, false facts created, and opinions become truth. A truly important spiritual thinking skill is acquiring valid information. Your thinking will do little good if the data and information you have is incomplete, inaccurate, distorted, misunderstood or completely false.


3.1: Correctly frame the situation

The purpose of this thinking task is to maximize the likelihood of identifying (and solving) the correct problem. In general, there is a normal human tendency to force-fit situations/problems into preconceived models. This task helps overcome fixed mindsets.


3.2: Acquire truthful information

There is a positive correlation between thinkers who develop more and better ideas/solutions with those that have obtained relevant and accurate background knowledge.


3.3: Understand the wholeness of every situation

Systems and Futures thinking are other keys to conscious spiritual thinking because once we understand the dynamics of larger living wholes, we become more aware of what is emerging. And once we see what’s emerging, our thinking and actions will dramatically improve.



 St4 Applet 4: Creativity & Sustainability Thinking

Typically when we develop ideas and solutions, we tend to take the first one. Spiritual thinking looks at the whole and overcomes that tendency by developing a large pool of ideas to consider.  The chances of finding a truly great “sustainable” idea are dramatically increased with this approach.


4.1: Develop creative ideas

The importance of developing creative ideas is that one idea (even if it’s bad) can lead to a brilliant idea. Creative ideas also range from something small to something radical. This offers a full spectrum of ideas to choose from.


4.2: Develop scenarios and futures ideas

The future can no longer be ignored. We all must anticipate the future and proactively prepare for it. We need to consciously develop futures ideas so we can determine what actions need to be taken today … to better prepare for our future.


4.3: Turn ideas into innovative solutions

It’s fairly easy to develop creative ideas. The hard part is turning them into innovations that have value and are “implementable.” Synthesis is powerful spiritual thinking skill that can help you do this.



 St5 Applet 5: Discernment & Actions Thinking

We don’t live in isolation. Our decisions and actions now have far greater impact because of our inter-connectedness. Today’s decisions and actions are only as good (even if correct), as they can be successfully executed without creating more harm than good.


5.1: Predict consequences and make spiritual decision

Be conscious of your decision-making habits is essential.  It does little good if your best idea/solution is discarded because fixed decision-making habits takeover. Industrial age Either/Or decision making needs to give way to Both/And decision making.


5.2: Take spiritual action to implement your decision

After you have made your decision you will need to outline a plan of action for implementing the idea/solution you selected. For many people taking action can be much harder than thinking.


5.3: Listen for feedback

A spiritual thinker does not fear imperfect solutions. They know that all solutions can and will be continuously revised and improved.
