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1.               App - Overview

2.               App - Synopsis

3.               App - How to use it?

4.                What is Facilitated Thinking Technology?



App Overview


What is Conscious Spiritual Thinking?


Why is it needed?


How does it work?



What is Conscious Spiritual Thinking?


Conscious spiritual thinking is based on the principle of connectedness.  It guides actions and behavior by combining these three thinking abilities.


Personal “Awareness” Thinking: This thinking enables us to connect to our inner self and our personal wisdom.  Its purpose is to help us use our personal talents and gifts to their fullest.


Community “Oneness” Thinking: This thinking enables us to connect to the wisdom of others.  Its purpose is to help us blend our talents and grow through collaborative behavior.


Systems “Wholeness” Thinking” This thinking enables comprehensive understanding of our connectedness with our environment, earth and God. Its purpose is to help us take actions with full knowledge of their consequences on our world at large.




Sp2Why is it needed? 


Our world is changing faster than our ability to understand and guide its development.  Dr. Edward de Bono in the book, Think Before It’s Too Late, may have said it best: The biggest problem facing the world today is not … pollution, war, poverty or climate change … but inadequate thinking.


Win/Lose “either/or” thinking: Today most of us continue to use industrial-age problem solving thinking to deal with managing change. This type of thinking is based on analysis and choosing among alternatives. Problem Solving thinking leads to making either/or decisions, and taking win/loss actions that benefit some but not all.


Win/win “both/and” thinking: The time has come for Spiritual thinking that takes a different approach. Instead of choosing the best alternative, Spiritual Thinking combines the best of all alternatives. This type of thinking leads to both/and decisions and win/win actions that benefit the whole.




Sp3 How does it work?


“If you want to change how you act … you need to change how you think”Unknown author


So, how can we change the way we think? It has taken each of us a lifetime to get to where we are now with our thinking! The answer is quite simple. Thinking is driven by the questions you ask.  So if you change your questions … you’ll change your thinking.


There is one problem to overcome, however. Over time our mind naturally gets into thinking ruts.  One of them is our mind keeps asking the same questions. The result is we keep coming up with the same types of answers and solutions … for everything!


This App uses a facilitated thinking approach. It is designed to be used in real-time … like having a spiritual advisor with you. To do that, the App has over 700 questions embedded into a five step spiritual thinking process that contains 14 thinking tasks. Simply find the task you are thinking about and consider asking some different questions.



Note: The ultimate goal of this App is for you to reach a point of automatically asking the right spiritual questions and no longer needing to use it.


