Thinklets Toolkit



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Applet 1: Personal “Awareness” Thinking


1.1: Become aware of your thinking


Spiritual Thinking Quiz  

What kind of thinker are you?

Finding Your Wisdom  

Find the successful thinking patterns (wisdom) that you already have.

360 Feedback Analysis

Assess your strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding Your Core Beliefs

Be aware how your beliefs impact your thinking.


1.2: Assess ways to improve your thinking


Questioning Mindset

Spiritual thinkers have a questioning mind

Stop-Start-More-Less Grid

Increase positive & decrease negative thinking

Personal Visioning

Uncover personal desires that might not be fully obvious.


1.3: Develop personal mindfulness and contemplation


Mindfulness Journal 

Pay better attention to what you are doing.

Become a Great Observer


Walk in other people’s shoes to become a great observer.

Conscious Thinking House Cleaning 

A cluttered mind interferes with effective thinking.

Putting Yourself in Flow

A state of mindfulness where everything comes naturally.



Applet 2: Community “Oneness” Thinking


2.1: Develop a collective mindfulness


Putting Problems on the Table 

Become aware of hidden issues that need your spiritual thinking.

Group Goal Setting



Align personal goals with group and project goals.

Put Your Team in Flow

Achieve the best results by putting your team in Flow.

Problem vs. Opportunity vs. Issue


What kind of situation are you really dealing with?



2.2: Hold community conversations


Trust  & Collaborative Thinking Mindset 

Trust is the cornerstone for building relationships.

Empathetic Listening 

Has become an essential skill for collaboration.

Dialogue Process


Acquire a shared understanding of the situation

Community Conversation


Connect to the wisdom of others. 



Applet 3: Systems “Wholeness” Thinking


3.1: Correctly frame the situation


Personal Observation and Understanding 

Helps you more realistically define and understand any situation.

Eye of the Beholder 

Define the observed situation/problem from others viewpoints.

Reframe the Situation 

Make sure you have framed the central issue or problem before working on resolving it.


3.2 Acquire truthful information


Impacts of Beliefs on Thinking 

Become aware of how your beliefs impact how you understand things.

Gather valid Information

Collect valid information to ensure your thinking will be using correct facts and data.

Transient (Change) Analysis 

Understand how the current problem came into existence.

Obstacle Analysis

Find the obstacles you need to overcome


3.3: Understand the wholeness of every situation


Holistic Seeing 

Look at the broader picture in which your situation resides.

Systems Think Your Situation 

Look at your problem or situation from a system perspective.



Applet 4: Creativity & Sustainability Thinking


4.1: Develop creative ideas


Personal Brainstorming 

A brainstorming process free of worry about other people opinions.

SGOI Analysis 

Develop ideas based on removing obstacles.

Tap Your Subconscious for Ideas 

Access the power of your subconscious mind to create ideas.


4.2: Develop scenarios and futures ideas


Futures Thinking & Scenario Building 

Alternative futures in which your current decisions and actions will create.

Backwards Thinking 

Thinking backwards gives a fresh perspective and ideas.


4.3: Turn ideas into innovative solutions


Refine Ideas

Eliminate disadvantages and improve upon ideas’ advantages.

Synthesis Ideas

  Transform ideas into practical and workable solutions.



Applet 5: Discernment & Actions Thinking


5.1: Predict consequences and make spiritual decision


Personal Decision Making 

Put your personal preferences into making decisions.

Idea Evaluation

Rank each idea with a numerical score.

Intuitively Validate Your Decision 

Tap into your intuition to make better decisions


5.2: Take spiritual actions to implement decision


Implement or Solve Anything … with EASE 

Easily implement anything no matter how complex or difficult.


5.3: Listen for feedback


Ongoing Feedback

Adapt to on-going change and continuous improvement.