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Thinking Process

Follow a Spiritual Thinking Process




Thinking Processes are the mental structures or frameworks that guide thinking. Within each Thinking Process are Thinking Tasks … the basic building blocks of thinking. Skipping or missing a task can lead to ineffective thinking.


While you can use the following Applets in any order, consider using them in sequence. For example, becoming aware of your personal thinking is generally a pre-requisite for using all the applets.






  Applet 1: Personal “Awareness” Thinking

1.1: Become aware of your thinking

1.2: Assess ways to improve your thinking

1.3: Develop personal mindfulness and contemplation


  Applet 2: Community “Oneness” Thinking

2.1: Develop collective mindfulness

2.2: Hold community conversation


  Applet 3: Systems “Wholeness” Thinking

3.1: Correctly frame the situation

3.2: Acquire truthful information

3.3 Understand the wholeness of your situation


    Applet 4: Creativity & Sustainability Thinking

4.1: Develop creative ideas

4.2: Develop scenarios and futures ideas

4.3: Turn ideas in innovative solutions


    Applet 5: Discernment & Actions Thinking

5.1: Predict consequences and make spiritual decision.

5.2: Take actions to implement your decision

5.3: Listen for feedback