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Thinklets Toolkit


Apply Cogntive Tools to Your Thinking



This app has 27 cognitive tools (thinklets).  Thinklets are designed to function as if a human teacher or spiritual leader were directly working right with you.


The goal is providing intellectual direction to help you find your own best answers, ideas, solutions and decisions.


Here’s a simple but powerful little thinklet to help you consider ways you may want to change.  Use it to evaluate your work life, and your personal life.




Personal Life Change

Stop-Start-More-Less Grid


Ask yourself the following questions to get a quick reading on how to change your life! Write answers in the gird.


o  STOP: What things am I currently doing that aren’t getting good results, and I should stop doing them? 

o  START: What things am I not doing now, but if I started them would make a difference in my life?

o  MORE: What things should I did more of to make a better life?

o  LESS: What things am I doing that I could less of without a big impact on my life?


Now, look at the grid and analyze what things you can STOP or do LESS of. With the time you’ve saved, analyze the START/MORE quadrants for things you want to begin or do more of.









     Author unknown







Work Life Change

Stop-Start-More-Less Grid


Ask yourself the following questions and post your answers in the grid below.


o  STOP - What work activities am I doing that aren’t productive and should be stopped?

o  START - What work activities should I start doing that I’m not doing now?

o  MORE – Are there valuable work activities that I should do more of?

o  LESS – What work activities have partial value and I should do less of?

Now, look at the grid and analyze what work activities you could STOP or do LESS of. With the time you’ve saved, analyze work activities you could START or do MORE of.