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Question Sets

“The way you think … is the way you act.

And the questions you ask … shapes the way you think..



This first version App has 700+ questions for your consideration. They are contained in 13 thinking tasks within the following 5 step spiritual thinking process.


Here are a few sample questions to help you start to identify ways to build your spiritual thinking capabilities.


Applet 1: Personal “Awareness” Thinking

o  How often do I consciously think about improving my thinking?

o  Am I a good questioner? If not why not, and what will I do about it?

o  What are my personal gifts and how can I use them more?


Applet 2: Community “Oneness” Thinking

o  Do I consciously think before I act or mostly just react?

o  Am I conscious how my biases may influence my understanding of situations?

o  Do I enter discussions with openness and trust of others?


Applet 3: Systems “Wholeness” Thinking

o  Do I understand situations from the viewpoints of other?

o  How do I separate facts from opinions?

o  Am I willing to always look at the “big” picture?


Applet 4: Creativity & Sustainability Thinking

o  What creativity tools do I regularly use?

o  How do I encourage creative ideas from others?

o  How do I turn creative ideas into valuable innovative ideas?


Applet 5: Discernment & Actions Thinking

o  Do I regularly use criteria to help me judge ideas?

o  Do I use my intuition to validate that I made the right decision?

o  Do I seek on-going feedback after my decisions are implemented?