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“The faster the world changes …

the greater the need for spiritual thinking.”


The purpose of this app is to help you create a spiritual thinking mindset that embraces change and enables you to be proactive, not reactive.


This app works by using a facilitated thinking approach that emulates how Exceptional Thinkers … Think.


1.             They ask the right “Questions”

2.             They use the right “Cogntive Tools”

3.             They follow right “Thinking Process.


Use these three thinking practices to jump-start your spiritual thinking.



1: Ask spiritual thinking questions.


Asking the right “spiritual” questions gives your mind the best chance to find the right ideas, answers, solutions and “spiritual” actions to take.


Click here for Quick Start Question-set


2: Apply spiritual thinking tools (thinklets) to your thinking task.


Like manual tools that improve labor productivity, cognitive/mental tools improve thinking productivity.


Using mental tools follows the same principle as using manual tools … find the tool appropriate for the thinking task at hand.

Click here for Quick Start Tool



3: Follow a spiritual thinking process.

Thinking processes are the mental structures or frameworks in which thought occurs.  Skipping or missing a thinking task can lead to ineffective thinking.


Click here for Quick Start Process

