Question Sets



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Applet 1: Personal “Awareness” Thinking


1.1: Become aware of your thinking

o  What kind of thinker am I right now?

o  Do I ask a lot of questions?

o  Do I think for myself or do I rely on the thinking of others?

o  How often do I consciously think about improving my thinking?

o  Do I know how my core beliefs/biases impact my thinking?


1.2: Assess ways to improve your thinking

o  Am I a good questioner? If not why not?

o  What are my personal strengths? How can I use them better?

o  What are my life dreams and goals?

o  Would becoming a better thinker help me reach my goals?

o  If I could, what would I start and stop doing right now?



1.3: Develop personal mindfulness and contemplation

o  Do I consciously think before I act or do I mostly just react to situations?

o  Am I mindful of situations from other people’s viewpoints?

o  Do I evaluate how my biases may influence my understanding of situations?

o  Do I have any roadblocks for becoming mindful?

o  How do I get myself into a “mindfulness” flow state where everything comes easier?


Applet 2: Community “Oneness” Thinking

2.1: Develop collective mindfulness

o  What known problems are being ignored that shouldn’t be?

o  Have we prioritized what is important to our community?

o  What problems are really opportunities?

o  What is at the core of our community … good and bad?

o  Who should be working together, but aren’t? Why?

o  What can be done to develop better community awareness?



2.2: Hold community conversations

o  Do I enter conversations with openness and trust of others?

o  Do I build trust by being truthful and honest myself?

o  Do I regularly do empathetic (mindfulness) listening?

o  Could I lead a community conversation session?

o  Do I try to balance my goals with goals of others?

o  Is an Asset Map needed?

o  Do community connectors need to be identified?

o  What is our ideal community? How do we get there?



Applet 3: Systems “Wholeness” Thinking

3.1: Correctly frame the situation

o  How do I view this situation/problem? How would I state it in 15 words or less?

o  How would you frame the situation as an opportunity or something positive?

o  How might other people state or frame the current situation (problem)?

o  How do other people view the situation differently than I do? Why?

o  What responsibility do I have with this situation?



3.2: Acquire truthful information

o  What are the key questions that I need to ask to understand the current situation/problem?

o  How might others be trying to shape my understanding of this situation?

o  What is the source of the information? Does this source have any biases?

o  How did this situation/problem come about?

o  How do I separate fact from opinion?



3.3: Understand the wholeness of every situation

o  What is the shared understanding of this situation?

o  What is the big picture understanding?

o  What small things added up to make the current situation?

o  What are the main obstacles that should be removed from this situation?

o  Is this situation part of something bigger, do I need to look at the whole more?

o  What other problems/opportunities are linked to this one?



Applet 4: Creativity & Sustainability Thinking

4.1: Develop creative ideas

o  What are at least five ideas I can develop to resolve this situation/problem? 

o  What do I think is the most practical idea (solution) for the problem?

o  If I could develop an ideal solution or idea, what would it be?

o  Should I incubate the problem before I develop ideas and solutions?     

o  What creativity tools can help me develop good ideas or solutions?



4.2: Develop scenarios and futures ideas

o  What is the most likely or probable thing to happen in the future?

o  What ideally or preferably should the future become?

o  What are likely to be your biggest problems in the future?

o  What opportunities might exist in the future that do not exist today?

o  Are goals in the future likely to be the same as the current goals?



4.3: Turn ideas into innovative solutions

o  How can I group my ideas?

o  How can I refine my ideas into more valuable ideas?

o  How do I transform ideas into workable solutions?

o  How could I combine all the best options of all the ideas?

o  Are there two ideas that could be combined to make one great idea?



Applet 5: Discernment & Actions Thinking


5.1: Predict consequences and make spiritual decision.

o  What criteria will I use to judge ideas?

o  What is my decision? Can it do more harm than good?

o  Do I have a strong feeling that my decision is correct?

o  Who might not agree with my decision? Why?

o  What would the consequences be of not making or deferring a decision?



5.2: Take action to implement your decision

o  What are the key obstacles to implementing the idea/solution?

o  What are the key action steps I need to take to implement my solution?

o  What is the first step I will take?

o  What help will I need? From whom?

o  Do I need to get this done by a certain deadline?



5.3 Listen for feedback

o  Do I need to follow-up and evaluate results after implementation?

o  Do I need to get any on-going feedback? What kind?

o  Who will give me feedback?

o  What will I do with the feedback?

o  What will I do if I don’t like the feedback?