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Ongoing Feedback sysfeedback

Why Use It

After you have made changes … you don’t stop. Systems feedback is a continuous process that promotes adapting to ongoing change. 


How to Use It

Ask yourself questions like these.



Are the changes I have made really working? If not why not?


What changes have I made that I am happiest about? Why?


What changes have I made that I am dissatisfied about? Why?


What other changes do I still need to make right now?


What changes have I made that I need to get feedback on? 


Do I need feedback to prevent a problem recurrence?


Do I need feedback to prevent a problem?


Do I need feedback to promote ongoing improvements?


How will I get ongoing feedback?


Do I need to do a 360 feedback process on a regular basis?


How can feedback be encouraged and rewarded?


Will using goals and objectives help?


What feedback from me do others need?


Are there any outstanding problems or issues?


What is your ideal future?


Is there going to be a need for any ongoing changes?