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Refine Ideas refineideas


Why Use It

Creating ideas are relatively easy. Transforming them into practical and workable solutions that can be implemented can be very difficult.  This question set helps refine ideas by:


1.Identifying fatal flaws that would effectively stop the proposed idea/solution.

2.Identify and find ways to minimize an idea’s disadvantages while keeping and perhaps adding to its advantages.

3.What is required to make the proposed idea/solution “implement-able”?


How to Use It

Answer questions below.


Eliminate or Minimize Disadvantages


What specifically are the negatives or disadvantages of the proposed idea or solution?


Are the negatives/disadvantages so dominant (fatal flaw) that further thinking is a waste of time?


How can the disadvantages be removed or reduced to turn it into a solution?


Can an idea be modified to eliminate the disadvantage without losing any advantages?


To fully refine the proposed idea/solution, look for more disadvantages even after they stop popping into your head.


How does the solution really compare to what it is replacing?


What things might make it fail in the future?


Enhance Advantages


What makes this idea unique or valuable?


What are the specific positives aspects or advantages of this idea?


In what ways can you build on the idea’s advantages?


How can you further modify the solution to meet the needs of people who will evaluate it next?


Who specifically needs to be persuaded? How does the solution need to be stated and presented?


Should the proposed solution be expanded?  Scaled back?


Practical Solutions


Should the proposal be refined by testing it on a small scale?


What parts of an idea need to be changed to turn it into a practical ‘solution’ that can be implemented?


How can the solution be modified to address implementation objections that would cause rejection?


What can be done to improve the probability of successful implementation?


What difficulties could arise in its implementation?


What reasons might others find for opposing the solution?


What are the immediate and long term consequences of putting the solution into action?