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Z21Tap Your Subconscious for Ideas sub

Why Use It

It is believed that all great thinkers have had an ability to contact and release the powers of their subconscious mind. You can do the same. The subconscious mind never sleeps. It is continually processing information and giving responses back through our conscious mind.


How to Use It

Do the following steps to activate your subconscious. Do this before a break, lunch, or overnight if the team is returning the next day.






Bring to mind the problem or situation that needs an idea.

Consciously think of the situation, problem or opportunity on which you want your subconscious to work.  Make sure you are clear on what you want your subconscious to do.


Review relevant data and information.

Refresh your mind with key information. The more quality data supplied to your subconscious, the better the results.


Without hesitation and as fast as you can, write the first 10-15 ideas that come to your mind.


EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: The key to this technique is to write as fast as you can. No matter how foolish the idea might appear, write whatever comes to mind. By writing fast, you are tapping into subconscious thought that is normally blocked by conscious thinking. This technique will not work if you consciously think about what you are writing.


Consciously review your list to see what kinds of ideas your subconscious might be suggesting.

Look for obvious ideas, but also look to see if there are any patterns - even those that don’t seem to make any sense. Your subconscious is trying to tell you something.


List ideas

Record those ideas that have merit and warrant more conscious thought.




Adapted from a variety of sources including:  Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (New Jersey, Prentice-Hall