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Impacts Impacts of Beliefs on Thinking


Why Use It: Understanding how personal biases and beliefs might influence thinking is a growing essential for producing better thinking. For many of us, our thinking has become programmed to a remarkable degree by our life’s experiences. If not understood clearly, beliefs and biases can unconsciously limit our thought processes.


How to Use It: Use the following thinklet to assess personal/team thinking beliefs and biases about a specific situation.



Action Description


Write the problem or situation that you want to identify. Are there any personal or team biases/beliefs that could negatively impact performance?



List any personal/team biases about the above problem or situation. Start each one with the either

a.“Based on my experience I/we believe ….”

b.“I was (We were) given to believe …”

c. “I was (We were) required to believe…”


Rate how certain you are about the belief from 0% to 100%. Note: One way to understand a belief system is to draw a distinction between ‘knowing’ and ‘believing’ something to be true. By simply replacing the word ‘believe’ with the word ‘know’ in your statement you can get a sense on how strongly the belief is fixed in your system.  For example; ‘I believe someday I will die’ vs. ‘I know someday I will die’ or ‘I believe life exists on other planets’ vs. ‘I know life exists on other planets.’



Look at each of the beliefs and list how other people’s beliefs are different from personal or team beliefs.  Note: Use people that you respect.


Analyze existing beliefs/biases and determine if there are any adverse influences that impact thinking on the problem or situation. 


Consider what the problem/situation would look like if biases/beliefs were suspended.





Biases & Beliefs Analysis



1. Write a statement that you want to identify any personal or team biases that would negatively impact thinking about the situation.


2. List personal/team beliefs/biases about the above problem or situation.

3. Percent of Certainty

Personal Biases & Beliefs






Team Biases & Beliefs






4. How would other authorities' opinions differ from those above?


5. What beliefs or biases above might adversely influence thinking on this project, problem or situation?



6. If biases/beliefs were set aside, how might the situation look different?