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Personal Observation & Understanding  personalobserve

Why Use It

Effective thinking requires a good understanding of data and information. Using this matrix will help you more realistically understand any situation


How to Use It: Use this thinklet to observe and define the problem situation from three different personal perspectives and time frames. While this template might be difficult to complete, the rewards of improved understanding are worth the time and effort.





Describe the situation

Briefly describe the problem or situation about which you want a better understanding.



Re-describe the situation

Use these three perspectives to re-describe the problem situation for steps 3 to 5 below:

     a. As the problem situation currently exists

     b. As the current situation existed in the past

     c. As the current situation might exist in the future.



Be yourself observing yourself

The objective is to understand a situation by observing yourself. You do this by imagining you can leave your body and look back at yourself. If you are in an argument, for example, pretend you are a fly on the wall observing the argument. Observe what words you use, your tone of voice, body language, etc.


Be someone else observing yourself

The objective is to better understand a situation by collecting information about how others view you. If in an argument, become the person you are arguing with. Try to see yourself through their eyes. What do you sound like to them or what might your words and body language mean to them? If you are a parent arguing with an adolescent, for example, what do you sound and look like in their eyes? How can their side be correct or valid for them? For you?



Be someone else observing them self

The objective is to understand a situation through empathy. Using an argument for example, put yourself into the shoes of the other person in the argument. You are pretending you are them and trying to understand what their own words and actions mean. For example, if you are a parent - how does it feel to be the adolescent with whom you are arguing?



Personal Awareness & Understanding Matrix


Describe the problem or situation about which you want to get a better understanding.



Be yourself observing yourself

Be someone else observing yourself

Be someone else observing them self

Present time:

What does the current situation look like?







Past time:

What did the current situation look like in the past?








Future time:

What might the current situation look like in the future?