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Problem (Opportunity) Statement pos1 probopp

Why Use It

A good problem statement describes in specific, concrete terms the exact nature of the problem as it exists right now.  Since the seeds of the solution are buried within the problem statement, it is essential to have it correctly and clearly stated.  An unclear or vague problem/opportunity statement wastes time by developing ideas and finding solutions to the wrong problem.  Note: The general term “Problem” can be characterized as a Problem, Opportunity, Challenge, or Issue (see next page).Nthº


How To Use It: If you are unclear as to the exact nature of the situation to be addressed, use the template below to rewrite the initial statement of the situation in a variety of ways and help identify the most accurate statement.

Problem Statement Template


Initial Problem/Opportunity Statement



Restate the Problem

Simply re-write the problem in several different ways.

Restate the problem by changing key words (use synonyms and antonyms).




“Eyes-of-the-beholder” Problem

To gain a perspective on how others view the problem, re-write it from their eyes.

State the problem from the ‘eyes’ of other people involved (not involved) with it.




State the problem from the ‘eyes’ of a person who holds the opposite viewpoint.




Reframe the Problem

Look at the problem within different contexts.

Reframe the problem in more general/broader terms or in more specific/sub-problem terms.



Reframe the problem by making it worse (better).



Reframe the problem as it might look in 1-3 years from now.




Final Problem Statement (if different from original).