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Putting Problems on the Table table

Why Use It

Each and every one of us moves through our daily work/life with many unsolved problems. Some are unsolved because we believe they are not important, or we just don’t have the time to solve them. However, accumulating unsolved problems contributes greatly to increased levels of stress. And, one of the biggest causes for ineffective thinking is having an excessive amount of anxiety and stress in our lives


The first Task (and sometimes half the battle) in gaining control of work/life is to list and clearly identify the problems or events that produce anxiety and stress. In developing this list, the problems/stressors that felt vague and confusing are transformed into discreet and identifiable subjects. This list can be evaluated to determine corrective actions.


How to Use It

Use the worksheet on the next page to identify unresolved problems and stress events. Record all problems both small and large.





List Unresolved Problems

A problem is something that requires some form of action and change on your part.



List Stressors


Make a list of all your current life situations that trigger anxiety. Include any stressful events that you are likely to encounter in the relatively near term. Be specific; include the setting and the people involved. Get as close to 10-15 items on your list as possible. Let them run the gamut from very mild discomfort to your most dreaded experience.  Examples might be stress from dental visits, public speaking, paying bills, taking tests, down on yourself, etc.




Group all the stressors. You will probably discover that you have very few problems but lots of symptoms of the same one.




Analyze the problems and stress events sections then rank them.



Now that you have identified key problems/stressors begin finding ways to resolve them. Particularly look for ways to handle people or factors that are common to multiple problems.


Putting Problems on the Table




Identify the problems or events that produce

anxiety and stress.

Discomfort level

(Rank order, 1 = least, 10= highest discomfort)

Unresolved Problems










Stressful Events






Resolution: Be specific on how your action plan can handle or resolve problems or stressful events.  Generalities will not solve anything.