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Questioning Attitude quesatt

The key to thinking is never stop asking questions. Einstein


Why Use It

A spiritual thinking mind is a questioning mind. Questions give the mind the best chance to find the right answers, ideas, and actions. When we ask the right questions, we succeed as effective thinkers. If you don’t ask questions, you greatly diminish your thinking capabilities.


Our lost ability to ask questions


Regrettably, many of us have lost our ability to ask questions. Most of us were really good at asking questions when we were children.  By the time we reached high school, many of us became fearful of asking questions for reasons that include: 


·      Asking a question might appear to be an admission of ignorance and indicate a lack of understanding.


·      Asking a question might embarrass us if it has the appearance being a “stupid” question.


·      Asking a question might open us up to ridicule for not paying attention or remembering.


Re-acquiring a questioning attitude


If you take nothing else away from this handbook, give yourself a questioning attitude, and simply start asking questions.


If you are not a questioner, consider this Chinese proverb.