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360 Feedback AnalysisFEED360

Why Use It

Everyone gets into routine thinking patterns and habits of doing things. People get so ingrained in them that it is difficult to see anything other than what these patterns allow.


How to Use

While most people can see the strengths and weaknesses of others, they seldom have the skills, tact, courage, or opportunity to constructively bring this information to the person’s attention. The following thinklet will help.



Step 1. Self Assessment: (What you think about yourself)

Consider strengths from your own perspective. What are all the things you do well? And do not be modest, be as objective as you can.





Step 2. 360 Feedback Assessment: (What others think about you)

Get feedback from peers, colleagues, friends, superiors, family, etc. about your strengths and weaknesses. Consider sending them the above triggers.

Step 3. Assessment Analysis

Compare and analyze your personal assessment with your 360-feedback assessment. 

Step 4. Self Development Plan

Write an action plan on how to strengthening a specific skill or adding a new strength. Start with answering the question: What will I start to do right now?





Step 1. Self Assessment: (What you think about yourself)

Again, consider this from a personal and external basis: It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible.

Ask yourself questions like:

·      What could you improve?

·      What should you avoid?

·      What things are the people around you likely to see as weaknesses?





Step 2. 360 Feedback Assessment

What do other people perceive weaknesses that you do not see?   . Consider sending them some triggers.

Step 3. Assessment Analysis

Compare and analyze your personal assessment with your 360-feedback assessment. 

Step 4. Self Development Plan

Write an action plan on how to eliminate or reduce your weaknesses. Start with answering the questions: What will I start to do right now? or What do I want to stop right now?