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Spiritual Thinking Quiz holquiz

Why use it

Spiritual thinking means each of us takes responsibility for developing both our personal and inter-personal thinking skills to their fullest.


Spiritual thinkers make a meaningful effort to ensure their personal thinking is correct. They challenge their own thinking first and look for ways they could have made a mistake before coming to conclusions.


Spiritual thinkers also seek interpersonal collaborative thinking that produces ideas and solutions that no individual alone could have developed.


How to Use It

Use the following quiz to self assess your current level of spiritual thinking. Next to each statement, rate yourself from 1 to 10 with 1 = Strongly disagree and 10 = Strongly agree. Total the scores and do a self-analysis. Note: There is no right answer.


Personal “Independent” thinking


InterPersonal “Collaborative” thinking


I am always honest with myself.


I am always honest with others.


I am an independent thinker and take pride in my thinking.


I readily share my knowledge with others.


I defend my ideas but am open to others viewpoints.                                       


I am an empathetic listener.


I ask a lot of questions to make sure I have the right facts.


I consider making “and/both” decisions.


I rarely make snap judgments and decisions.


I like consensus, but understand how group-think is harmful.


I accept blame for my mistakes.


If I disagree with the group I will tell them.


I regularly look at my beliefs.


I give trust to others, until they do something to lose it.


I am continuously looking to improve my thinking.


I am always looking to understand the Big picture.


I don’t let the group change my thinking, if I believe I am right?


I am always seeking advice.



