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     Innovation Infrastructure:

        A systems approach to innovation

By Dennis Heindl



            Table of Contents (click on blue hyperlinks) toc


1.    Executive Summary

2.    Creativity vs. Innovation -  A BIG Difference

3.    The Need for Innovation – Staying Competitive

4.    The Challenges of Innovation – Embracing Change

5.    The Innovation Infrastructure Solution – Systems Framework  

6.    Full Spectrum Innovation – Eight types of innovations

7.    Innovation Infrastructure Applications – Putting Theory into Practice

·         Personal Innovation

·         Collaborative Innovation

·         Organization Innovation



1.  Executive Summary (TOC)wppurposemicrowp


Today, innovation for many companies is pretty much in a free-form state. And while the importance of innovation is understood and increasingly showing up as a strategic priority*      … there has been little genuine understanding of how to build an innovation organization.


So instead of relying on chance and acts of creative genius to foster innovation, this white paper describes how an Innovation Infrastructure can systematically bring a steady pipeline of incremental and radical breakthrough innovations to your organization and marketplace.


Innovation Infrastructure Applications


  • Personal Innovation: Empowers workers to tap into their creative talents to make performance improvements in their own jobs, much like Toyota’s TPS system.


  • Collaborative Innovation: Facilitates self-organizing teams to collaborate and develop breakthrough ideas, similar to Google’s “time off” innovation policy.


  • Enterprise Innovation: Guides formal innovation teams to find and turn incremental and radical opportunities into commercial innovations, e.g. GE workout sessions.


2. Creativity vs. Innovation … What’s the difference? CreInno  (TOC)


Everyone wants innovation and wants to be innovative, but few can really define what this means. Ask ten people to define innovation and you’ll likely get ten different answers.


Creativity Defined: According to wikipedia, there are over 60 definitions for creativity.  The most commonly used are:

  • Creativity is a thinking skill used to develop new ideas and solutions.
  • Creativity is the ability to produce something new, to generate unique approaches and solutions to issues or problems or opportunities.


Innovation Defined: The basic dictionary definition of innovation is: A change made in the established way of doing things. The classic business definition for innovation is: To turn a creative idea into products and services of value and profit.  The basic goal of all innovation is positive change, to make someone or something better. There are two basic types of innovation.


  • Incremental Innovation: Also called continuous innovation, this type improves upon existing products/services. From a results standpoint incremental innovations can range from very small to huge increases in productivity, revenues and profits.


  • Breakthrough (Radical, Disruptive) Innovation:  This type of innovation develops new products/services that do not exist. Many times this type of innovation emerges from scientific discoveries or R&D organizations. But, while a breakthrough innovation might mean getting a patent, it does not guarantee huge profits.


From a business perspective, like any business function, modern innovation is an organizational process that requires specific procedures and tools needed for generating, considering, and acting on creative insights.


3. Need for Innovation … Staying competitive needinno (TOC)


In the 50s thru 80s the watchword was efficiency.  This kind of innovation had its roots in F.W. Taylor’s development of scientific management at the turn of the century and evolved into Womack’s Lean methodology in the 90s. Over the past 25 years, the watchword was quality. Quality methodologies started with TQM (Total Quality Management) from Deming in the 1960s and evolved to Six-Sigma in the 90s.



How is Change … Changing: The Evolution of Innovation Methodologies and Tools


During these times, the fields of efficiency and quality have been systemized to the point that the world now benefits from the best products at the fastest rates of production.


But improving Efficiency & Quality is no longer enough to remain competitive.


IT guru Kevin Kelly may have said it best: “Efficiency and quality, while necessary conditions for business success, are insufficient to sustain growth over decades. While new levels of efficiency and quality require inventive solutions, their goal is not the same as the goal of innovation. … Wealth flows directly from innovation... not optimization.”


4. Challenges of Innovation chalinno  (TOC)


Tom Peters author and business guru bluntly said: “I worry what will happen to the American psyche should the nation be knocked off the economic catbird seat. But, I believe American business is capable of competing if companies are willing to continually reinvent themselves. … The only way we're going to survive is to innovate our way out of the box."


Peter Drucker once said that “Innovation is the only competitive advantage a company really has, because quality improvements and price reductions can be replicated, as can technology. Therefore, if a company could have just one major capability, it should be innovation.”


Assess these obstacles and enablers to determine how ready your organization is for innovation.


Obstacles & Enablers of Innovation


Obstacles                                                           to Innovation

Enablers                                                                                      of Innovation

Customer Focus Groups

Customer Observation

Resistance to Change

Embracing Change

Innovation by Luck

Innovation by Design

Scripted Thinking

Facilitated Thinking



Customer Focus Groups vs. Customer Observation

A customer-centric focus is essential for Innovation. This requires knowing your customers at three different levels, 1. Who are your customers?,  2. What are your customers saying?  and  3. How are your customers behaving?


Customer Demographics – Who are your customers: While you need to acquire basic data about your customers, it’s likely only minimal innovation insights will come from it.


Focus Groups - What are your customers saying:  When looking for innovation, many organizations turn to meetings (focus groups) with he aim of gaining valuable customer insights. And while this "tried and true" approach can yield wonderful insights for incremental innovations, it is unlikely to lead to breakthrough innovations. Quoting Henry Ford: “If I had asked my customers what they wanted they would have said a faster horse."


So how do you find breakthrough innovations from your customers?


Customer Observation – How do your customers behave: Anthropologists have been studying human behavior for a century. Now forward thinking companies are starting to apply the same anthropology premise; to truly understand humans (customers), you need to be a first hand witness ... essentially “walk in your customers’ shoes.”


This field of work, called ethnology, involves going into customer’s natural settings versus dialoguing with them in a controlled environment, such as Focus Groups. By living among your customers you come to learn: 1) Actual customer behavior, versus what they say they do; and 2) Underlying “whys” or motivations behind their behaviors.


This is the level of understanding that leads to breakthrough innovations. For example, Procter & Gamble's’ CEO A.G. Lafley in this book, The Game Changer, describes how P&G created a Consumer Closeness initiative to find ways to get closer to their customers. The results were development of programs like; Living-It (living with families), Working-It (working in small businesses), Home-visits, and Shop-alongs. These programs bridge the gap in customer understanding and turn this understanding into profits.


Note: If you want to jump-start your development this valuable observation skill, there is a lot to learn by getting a book on “How to become a birdwatcher.”



Resistance to Change vs. Embracing Change

Innovation by definition requires change and change requires moving away from the comfort of the status quo. Resistance is normal and should not be used as an excuse to avoid innovation.


Human change: Humans get entrenched in their ways of working … and don’t like change. In yesterday’s relatively stable world, workers were trained to become very efficient in performing prescribed tasks. The worker’s mindset was to master a routine. Today, workers must respond to change and emerging opportunities with a mindset to master the process of changing the routine.


Organizational change: Organizational structures by their nature are not pre-disposed to change. In fact their primary purpose is to produce predictable behaviors that are usually based on successful “past” experiences. Unfortunately, risk aversion and uncertainty can leave companies ill-equipped to deal with challenges that don't mirror the past.


Cultural change: Culture is the very embodiment of an organization's resistance to change. By definition culture resists change in order to maintain shared beliefs, customs, and behaviors. But in a changing marketplace, cultural rigidity suppresses an organization’s ability to innovate.


Fear of Failure: If failure is threatening to ones career, workers will avoid taking risks and consequently innovation will be rejected.


Short Term Rewards: Rewards are generally based on achieving short-term results (metrics). But, innovation is a short-term cost with a long-term reward. Hence, innovation is less rewarded.


Innovation by Luck or Design


Do you want to gamble on your future?

Leaders define and create the organization in which innovation thrives. From a cultural perspective, the innovation leader simply needs to model the behaviors s/he wants their workers to possess. Without the right leadership, companies rarely innovate … and at best get lucky.


As a gambler knows, on any given occasion you can get lucky … but the odds are against you. Effective leaders recognize that relying on intermittent innovation efforts is putting their company’s success in the hands of chance.


Continuous innovation is a matter of habit.

Leaders also realize that there must be a shift from lucky innovation to a predictable innovation that is a matter of strategy and habit. These leaders embrace innovation as a core value, and ensure that the right tools and methodology are in place to produce innovation as a routine part of everyone’s job.


Without the right innovation methodology and infrastructure you’re risking far too much - you’re risking your future.


Scripted Thinking vs. Facilitated Thinking


The # 1 challenge in innovation is scripted thinking


When we think, our minds default to using dominant thinking patterns, called scripts, which have been acquired through education and our life/work experiences. Over the past 100 years we have been in an era of scientific thinking and problem solving. Knowledge-workers were educated to thinking analytically and do problem solving.


While scripted thinking works well for doing routine tasks, the danger of using routine thinking patterns is that it can prevent us from seeing anything other than what is revealed by that script. Scripted thinking prevents us from gaining innovative insights and shapes thinking performance in an unproductive fashion. It’s like using the same hammer for every job.


5. The Innovation Infrastructure Solution – Systems FrameworkInfrinno  (TOC)


Less than 20 years ago, the typical Innovation Infrastructure was an individual creative genius shouting Eureka … and a corporate innovation hero jumping over internal hurdles to bring revolutionary products and services to market


To succeed today, it is necessary to move beyond an ad hoc or unstructured approach to innovation. Organizations need to intentionally and deliberately foster innovation through instituting appropriate processes, methodologies and supporting technologies. Organizations need to take a systems approach to innovation in the same way they once approached efficiency and quality and deploy an Innovation Infrastructure, which becomes the foundation for ongoing organizational genius.


In a nutshell: An Innovation Infrastructure “simply” applies systematic questioning and cognitive tools to:  acquire relevant information … promote individual creativity … facilitate collective thinking and intelligence … all within a precise innovation process … to produce a steady stream of valuable incremental and radical innovations. 


Individual Knowledge-worker (Creative Mind)


There are some gifted people who have rare creative and innovative talents, and combined with a photographic memory can do great things. For the rest of us we need help to be innovative and a set of tools to help overcome mental frailties like the following:


  • Learning and Forgetting: Learning creative and innovation skills is more important than ever. However, the average knowledge-worker remembers only about 2-4% of what they were taught. So when the time comes to apply creative thinking on-the-job, much might have been forgotten.


  • Information overload: The quantity of information to perform work is increasing faster than knowledge workers can remember.


  • Growing complexity of work: Work is getting too complex for one person to handle. More and more people need to collaborate to get work done.


  • Knowledge and Skills Obsolescence: Not only is more information and skills needed to perform work, but these knowledge/skills are becoming obsolete faster.  So as change accelerates, the lifespan of knowledge and human skills is growing shorter. 


While mankind will continue to benefit from individual genius, many more innovations will become possible through technologies like the following which assist humans to collaborate, think and probe the nature of the universe in more detail than our natural senses allow.

Information (Knowledge Management Technology)


There is a correlation between people who develop more innovative ideas, with people that have a wide range of available and relevant background knowledge.  Effective thinking can only occur if a person/team acquires the right “critical masses” of data and information to think upon.


Today, a key to innovation is not how much you remember but how effectively you can find and access the relevant information to think upon with tools like the following


  • Wikis allows users to add and edit content collectively and provide for affordable Knowledge Management systems.  Note: “Wiki” means "rapid" in Hawaiian.


  • Blogs (short for web logs) are interactive online journals that provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries.


  • Documentum from EMC and SharePoint from Microsoft are document management platforms for developing and deploying content applications.


  • Google of course is the primer internet search engine and turning into a comprehensive data mining platform.

Connectivity (Collaboration Technology)


Less than 300 years ago most individuals collaborated with people within 20 miles of where they were born. Now of course we can collaborate with virtually anyone in the world.


Working collaboratively brings forth a synergy that raises each person’s level of thinking.  Collaboration helps to create a shared understanding and fosters the co-creation of new ideas that no one person could develop alone. The integration of collaborative technologies like the following becomes essential.


  • Web conferencing is used to conduct live meetings or presentations over the Internet. WebIQ and WebEx are applications.


  • Groupware technology support groups of people working together, often at different sites. Lotus Notes from IBM and Groove from Microsoft are groupware examples


  • Social networks allow anyone from anywhere in the world to meet new people of similar interests and chat with them. 2nd Life, MySpace and Facebook are examples.


Thinking (Facilitation Technology)


The evolution of Tools reflects the evolution of Civilization


While the deepest workings of the human mind remain beyond our comprehension, we know quite well that we can readily improve thinking by using tools. “If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, give them a tool, ...” - Buckminster Fuller


And as Don Norman puts it; “The power of the unaided mind is greatly exaggerated. It is "tools" that make us smart, the cognitive artifacts that allow human beings to overcome the limitations of human memory and conscious reasoning. “


 Facilitation Technology … The missing piece of the Innovation Infrastructure puzzle.

Rarely can people bring to mind all the right mental tools and questions to ask at the exact moment to improve innovative thinking.  Instead of relying on human memory, Facilitation Technology takes a different approach. Its goal is to function like a skilled consultant, teacher or mentor who is always available and ready to support your thinking needs at the exact moment you need it.


Nth Degree Software is the first to develop Facilitation Technology, and as Gartner Research put it: “Facilitation Technology is a BIG idea, one the world needs!” It is without peer. Not Oracle, SAP nor even Microsoft is better prepared to improve the effectiveness of knowledge-workers."


Note: Facilitation Technology is Not AI (Artificial Intelligence)


Facilitation Technology is not a substitute for human thinking, and is actually just the opposite of Artificial Intelligence. The purpose of AI is to automate human thinking in ways that lead to deterministic answers. This works well for “routine thinking” that follows a script. Facilitation Technology uses questions to enhance natural human intelligence by taking the mind out of scripted thinking patterns and leading to new associations, ideas and innovations.


6. Full Spectrum Innovation – Eight types of innovations Solvinno (TOC)


Today, companies need to think differently about the practice of innovation. It's not just about conceiving the next breakthrough innovation but rather building an innovation portfolio that constitutes a full spectrum of all the following 8 types of innovation opportunities.


Each type of innovation requires its own specific set of processes, tools, and teams who are systematically engaged in developing that type of innovation.

1.    Incremental Productivity Improvements: Continuously find new ways to maximize efficiency.

2.    Cost Reduction Innovation: Eliminate work that is no longer needed.

3.    Product & Service Extensions: Add more quality with minimal or no additional cost.

4.    Applied Technology Innovations: Use existing technologies in different ways to create more value.

5.    Next Generation Products & Services: Develop innovations that leapfrog your competition.

6.    Disruptive innovation: Find new technologies that supersede established business products and services

7.    Business Process Innovations: Re-design business processes to reduce costs and add customer value.

8.    Sustainable Futures Innovations: Innovations that balance nature’s resources with consumer demand.



7. Innovation Applications – Putting Theory into Practice  msinnov (TOC)


 “The synergy between theory, methods, and tools lies at the heart of any field of human endeavor that truly builds knowledge.” - Peter Senge


Facilitated Thinking Environment – Applications.


Putting the theory of Facilitation Technology into practice creates innovative new applications called Facilitated Thinking Environments (FTEs). FTE applications put in place a comprehensive environment that surrounds knowledge-workers with the mental frameworks that delivers within a precise thought process the cognitive tools needed to boost Knowledge-worker productivity of thought. FTEs can help make the average worker good, the good become excellent, and the excellent can attain exceptional levels of innovative thinking.


The schematic below depicts a Facilitated Thinking Innovation Environment (FTE). The FTE is comprised of the three applications that are designed to systematically harness creative ideas and support the entire spectrum of an organization’s innovation needs.



Personal Innovation Application (TOC) pia


The personal innovation imperative


While Innovation articles have been telling organizations to “innovate or die”, there has been very little written about the need for personal innovation. The fact is, sitting at the very heart of innovation is the individual. And it’s those individuals who acquire the skills and the companies who encourage individual innovation who will gain significant competitive advantages.


In the new book, The Game Changer,  Procter and Gamble’s CEO A.G. Lafley warns that if  managers and knowledge workers don't make a commitment to support and practice innovation, they will be left behind by a world becoming much more innovative.


So … whether you like it or not, innovation is coming to your organization and you might as well get ahead of the curve instead of playing catch-up.  This application helps you do this in the following ways:


Developing an innovation mindset


The first step is to acquire an innovation mind-set where you come to work and ask questions like; "Is there a better way to do things around here? How can we improve on our products, processes and services?" It's a mind-set that encourages you to share new ideas and embrace the belief that you only win as an organization when everyone's brain is engaged.


Improving your job and advancing your career – Learn by doing


One of the best ways to get ahead in your career is to do great work on your current job. An objective is for you to learn innovation by doing it.  The application is designed for you to take control and make your own job better.  It’s not about you suggesting ideas for others to do something about, but focuses on implementing ideas that you can do yourself.


The application works by guiding your thinking with a personal innovation process and tools that enables you to find ways to: improve customer satisfaction, improve quality, reduce costs, and speed the time it takes to deliver products and services to your customers. In many respects, it is much like Toyota’s TPS system.


Power-up Your Creativity and Innovation Skills


We all have creative and innovation abilities. For most of us, they either have not been fully developed or have been lost and need to be reacquired.  This application helps you build these innovation skills.


  • Questioning skills: As Albert Einstein said; "The key to creative (innovative) thinking is never to stop questioning."  Regrettably for many of us, we have lost our ability to ask questions. As children we keep asking “why” as an innate longing to understand things. As we grew older, we became fearful of asking questions because it implied a lack of understanding or ignorance … and who wants to be thought of as ignorant!


  • Critical thinking skills: We all spend a large part of our lives “thinking.” Unfortunately, much of our thinking can be distorted, uninformed and quite often incorrectly biased. Yet the quality of work, and life, is directly related to the quality of our critical thinking, the most important of all thinking skills. Note: Critical thinking is, in short, self-awareness of “how you are thinking while you are in the process of thinking.” The goal is to improve personal intelligence to help ensure that you are applying the best thinking you are capable of for any given situation.


  • Creative, Systems and Futures thinking skills: Creativity follows the attributes of children’s play: Have fun, Be open, Entertain differences, Suspend judgment and Project new realities.  So while we think creatively as children, many of us as adults have lost those attributes. This application not only facilitates reacquiring creativity skills but also facilitates whole mind thinking skills like Systems & Futures Thinking and other key skills of innovation.


·         Personal innovation process skills: Just as important as acquiring innovation skills is knowing how to use the innovation process. When innovation skills are productively guided, the results can yield powerful creative and breakthrough ideas.


Collaborative Innovation Application    (TOC)cia


In today’s complex world, no one person is going to have all the answers. Innovation works best like a network, with internal and external people working together.  


Like Google’s innovation policy, this application approaches innovation through self-organizing teams who collaborate directly with each other, rather than through traditional structures and hierarchies. Workers come together with a shared vision and goals because they are intrinsically motivated to do so and seek to collaborate in ways that advance their shared idea. The application promotes a diverse, information and interaction rich environment in the following ways.


Focused Innovation:  Successful innovation is focused innovation that directly supports personal or organizational goals.  This application focuses creative thinking on a specific topic or question.  It overcomes the inherent problems with Employee Suggestion Box applications or its modern equivalents: “Idea Management Systems” that start with great fanfare and communication but run into problems like these:


  • Employees don’t know how to look and find innovation opportunities.
  • Employees do not know how to develop quality creative ideas and solutions.
  • Employees who do develop creative ideas want other people to implement them.
  • Future communication efforts don’t boost further suggestions as employees get tired of being requested for new ideas.


Systems Viewpoint & Knowledge Sharing: Developing innovative solutions in one area that causes problems in another is NOT innovation … it’s just bad business.  Effective innovation now needs to look at the whole. But because everything is becoming more interconnected, there are fewer individuals who are complete experts on any given area.


With this informal team approach, people bring a variety of perspectives and expert knowledge that enables understanding the whole situation.  This increases the likelihood that multiple ideas will be generated that considers the situation systematically. It also promotes learning experiences, another advantage of a collaborative innovation process.


Experimentation: Every company’s ability to innovate depends on a series of experiments [successful or not], that help create new products and services or improve old ones.  Experimentation to find out what works and doesn’t is now essential for successful innovation.


Within a formal setting these experiments can get very complex and costly. And, pilot programs for new innovations set the path in stone too early thus increasing the costs of failure. Informal groups can do quick and simple experiments that are faster and less complex.


Entrepreneurial spirit: The creation of anything new involves risk and the possibility of failure. Working on a voluntary informal team makes people believe in themselves enough to take the prospect of failure head-on and develops an entrepreneurial spirit that inspires people to become the best they can be.


Collaboration Skills: The prevailing work in companies is now favoring collaboration, which means knowledge workers now need collaboration skills. The application of these skills promotes collaborative thinking tools, techniques and methods to leverage people’s collective knowledge, ideas, and wisdom to produce results that could not be achieved by any one person alone.


Collaborative Innovation Process: Facilitated collaboration helps people understand the nuances of complex systems by structuring the innovation process in a way that encompasses all relevant factors, not just the obvious or convenient ones. Carefully designed and facilitated collaborative processes leads to much more comprehensive solutions, and in much less time.


Organization Innovation Application  (TOC)


Ask company executives how important Innovation is to their company’s success, and you will generally get a quick positive answer. Ask them to describe what innovation methods and tools they are using, and you are likely to get silence or talk about their “innovation culture.”


What are the enterprise innovation Methodologies and Tools in use today?


There is a lot of noise in the marketplace with virtually every consulting company touting everything from PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) as an enterprise innovation methodology or tool. Internet research also found the following commonly discussed methods and tools for enterprise innovation.


Methods & Tools used in Innovation

  • DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)
  • Six Sigma (DMAIC)
  • TQM (Total Quality Management)
  • DOE (Design of Experiments)
  • Lean
  • TPS (Toyota Production System)
  • Stage-Gate
  • BPR (Bus. Process Re-engineering)
  • Kaizen
  • CPS (Creative Problem Solving)
  • Mind Mapping
  • Six Thinking Hats
  • QFD (Quality Function Deployment)
  • Hoshin Planning


So which of these are the right methods and tools to use? The answer is ALL of them and NONE of them. NONE of them because each was designed to address a specific purpose, and it wasn’t innovation. And, ALL of them because each has parts that are essential for successful innovation. The solution is a comprehensive Facilitated Thinking Environment (FTE) specifically designed for enterprise innovation.


What kind of Innovative Thinking is done today?


Many people believe that innovation is simply about creative thinking. But, innovation is a deceptively complex process that uses many different types of thinking skills that are generally not found in one person. It goes far beyond creative thinking and conducting brainstorming sessions.  In addition to creative thinking, innovative thinking uses skills such as the following:


Innovative Thinking Skills Examples

  • Strategic Planning Thinking: Observe trends and align innovation opportunities with objectives.
  • Critical Thinking: Ensure you have correct information for effective innovative thinking to occur.
  • Futures Thinking: Develop scenarios and identify work to be done “now” in order to get ready for future innovations.
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking: Experiment to find what creative ideas can become valuable innovations.
  • Systems Thinking: Design more valuable innovations that satisfies the whole rather than just some parts.
  • Project Management Thinking: Bring profitable innovations to market.


What is the standard Innovation Process in use today?


There is NONE!  While a search of the internet found lots of hits on the words “Innovation Process”, there was no clear definition. Even Wikipedia did not have a definition for Innovation Process. And Wikipedia has become a fairly reliable source of current definitions and thinking about virtually all topics. What was found in Wikipedia, however, was a definition for a six step creative Problem Solving Process.


So what are people using? For lack of anything else, many people simply apply a problem solving process to innovation.  This is quite normal because problem solving is what we have been taught to do. However, as mentioned earlier, innovation is not about solving problems but about embracing change. Using problem solving is like using the wrong hammer, but until now it’s been the only hammer.





Bringing it all together in the Enterprise Innovation Application (FTE).


Enterprise innovation is most effective when it's coupled with an institutionalized processes (e.g. GE’s workout sessions) that draws together employees from different levels and functions. With this application companies can separate innovation from day-to-day concerns, putting their best people on it, and ensuring the lines of reporting lead to the chief executive.


The purpose of this application is to guide “formal” innovation teams using the following 12 steps (task) innovation process to create and turn “quality” ideas into something of value to customers and profit for the organization. 


eiaInnovation Process

Step 1: Define organization’s mission, vision and values.

Step 2: Assess trends, strengths and weaknesses.

Step 3: Find improvement opportunities - Incremental change.

Step 4: Find growth opportunities – Breakthrough, radical change.

Step 5: Select an opportunity for further experimentation.

Step 6: Gather and analyze relevant information.

Step 7: Generate creative ideas or solutions.

Step 8: Experiment and turn creative ideas into innovations.

Step 9: Decide on what innovation to implement.

Step 10: Design and test innovation.

Step 11: Plan and implement innovation.

Step 12: Obtain feedback for continuous improvement.


Note: Each of these process steps (Tasks) has the methods, tools and questions associated with them. For more information go to www.nthdegreesoft.com/inovation.html. 



Dennis Heindl is President of Nth Degree Software, Inc.                                                                     and can be contacted at dj@nthdegreesoft.com  or at 414-529-1878.




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