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Facilitated Thinking Technology – white paperfttoc

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Vision for Facilitated Thinking Technology
  3. Facilitated Thinking Technology - Theory
  4. Thinking Emulation Grid – How FTT works
  5. Facilitated Thinking Environment – Put Theory into Practice
  6. An assembly line for the mind
  7. Full Spectrum Innovation – FTE
  8. Appendix 1: Thinking vs. Learning
  9. Appendix 2: How Thinking Works
  10. Appendix 3: Evolution of Facilitated Thinking TechnologySolvinno


 The Age of Exponential Change – white paper

  1. Executive Summary
  2. The Drivers of Change
  3. The Changing Nature of Work
  4. Era of Exponential Change Begins
  5. The Challenges of Change  
  6. Managing Change via Innovative Thinking
  7. The Innovation “Value Creation” Mindset
  8. Implications for NOT becoming a change-adept “innovative” thinker


 Industrial-age vs. Knolwedge–age Thinking – white paper

  1. Executive summary
  2. Innovative thinking vs. problem solving … what’s the difference
  3. Drivers of 21st century Industrial age thinking
  4. 21st century Knowledge-worker thinking skill-sets

·         Questioning

·         Systems Thinking

·         Futures Thinking

·         Critical Thinking

·         Co-creative Thinking

·         And/Both Decision Making

·         Facilitative/Collaborative Thinking


 Innovation Infrastructure – white paper

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Creativity vs. Innovation -  A BIG Difference
  3. The Need for Innovation – Staying Competitive
  4. The Challenges of Innovation – Embracing Change
  5. The Innovation Infrastructure Solution – Systems Framework  
  6. Full Spectrum Innovation – Eight types of innovations
  7. Innovation Infrastructure Applications – Putting Theory into Practice

·         Personal Innovation

·         Collaborative Innovation

·         Organization Innovation


 Education – white paper

  1. Executive Summary
  2. The Problem: Answer oriented learning and hyper change
  3. The Challenges: Change-adept thinking and 21st century learning  challenges
  4. The Solution: Move “Thinking” to the forefront of learning  

·         Acquiring a questioning attitude.

·         Developing questioning skills within regular subjects.

·         Developing thinking process skills within projects.  

·         Assessing students as questioners, not answerers.

·         Promoting self-awareness as a foundation for thinking.

·         Teaching thinking skills a separate subjects

  1. Developing a Pull Model of Learning for the Workforce
  2. Flipping Traditional Learning Upside-down






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