Business & Trainer Co-Branders  





► Professional Meeting Facilitators: Customize MindSights Apps to fit your clients’ needs.

Consultants: Turn your intellectual property and knowledge into Apps.

Corporate trainers: Turn training material into Apps that your employees use on the job.

Innovation Leaders: Customize MindSights Innovation infrastructure for your employees.

HR & Organizational Developers: Turn valuable “tacit” employee expertise into Apps.

Project Managers: Build or customize Apps to fit your project needs.

Methods & Support Managers: Turn Methods, Procedure and Support manuals into Apps.

Network Managers: Integrate MindSights Thinking Emulation Grid into your network for employee access.




App Opportunities


Meeting Productivity Apps

Add your own questions and cognitive tools to MindSights Question-It Professional Meeting Facilitator.

Consultant On-demand Apps

Extend your value and influence by turning your highly skilled subject matter expertise into Apps.

Tacit Knowledge Capture Apps

As much as 75% of any organization’s intelligence (intellectual property) resides as tacit knowledge (informal undocumented information) in workers’ minds. Before valuable knowledge leaves your business, turn employee tacit knowledge into apps that benefit your organization.

Real-time Training Apps

Corporate and private trainers … turn your training material into Apps that workers will be able to query on-demand to assist them in developing and maintaining their job-related competencies.

Support Staff Apps:

Empower workers with cognitive tools to significantly improve on-the-job performance by turning your support procedures and  manuals into Troubleshooting, Job Aid, Helpdesk or First Responder Apps

Innovation Infrastructure Apps

Personal Innovation App: Empowers workers to tap into their creative talents 

Team Innovation App: Facilitates self-organizing teams to develop next generation ideas

Enterprise Innovation App: Guides formal innovation project teams to find radical and disruptive innovations




Importance of these Apps

Workers today are required to adapt to ever changing systems and procedures with knowledge that is often fleeting.

  • Employees need training … but don’t have time to take it.
  • Employees who take training acquire valuable knowledge … but forget much of it.
  • Helpful training materials are given to employees … but are not readily accessible for real-time use.

A solution is to let us help you transform your Training courses, Training material, Webinars, and Self paced on line courses into smartphone apps that people “use” on-the-job.Trainjob

  • Add value to your current training courses by embedding smartphone apps that students take with them.
  • Turn you existing training into custom apps that include your clients tools and intellectual property.
  • Turn your training into a customized consulting services linked to your client’s workplace.
  • Develop new customized training to meet specific user/project requirements.








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