

Facilitated Thinking Smartphone Technology


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Why MindSights

Smartphone Apps

Desktop & Shared Apps

Custom & Co-branded Apps

Experts Network



Custom & Co-branded Apps



Let’s work together to create:

  • Customized Apps: Modify MindSights Apps to create custom Apps that fit your needs.
  • Private Label Apps: We help to capture your explicit and tacit knowledge and build your own specialty Apps.
  • Co-branded Apps: Combine your intellectual property (IP) with ours to create powerful new Apps.
  • Integrated Apps: Bundle MindSights 3D grid with your existing products or workflow.
  • Thinklets:  MindSights licenses or co-brands your IP to build and include thinklets in our 3D grid.



Frequently Asked Questions

What are MindSights Facilitated Thinking Smartphone Apps?

What’s the value of Facilitated Thinking Smartphone Apps? (Value proposition?)

How do your clients/users use Apps?

What is the App development process?    [See detailed process]

How can Smartphone Apps bring added value and monetize your intellectual property?

How are the basic Smartphone Apps Sold?

What are product options?

What are some development opportunities?

·         Business & Training

·         Education

·         Publishing & Personal Mastery

Where is MindSights going next?

S1 What are MindSights Facilitated Thinking Smartphone Apps?  (top)

  • By using smartphones as a real time delivery mechanism, MindSights apps captures insights from your books, training material, or tacit “memory” knowledge and surrounds it with actionable tools.
  • Apps are designed to engage the user at the moment and location where they could apply a particular insight to help address a real-world challenge.
  • A uniquely developed 3D thinking emulation grid “thinklets” library stimulates thinking in areas such as problem solving, innovation, critical thinking, setting goals, systems and futures thinking, effective management and virtually any thinking process.
  • These Apps are not an answer machine – but a thought provoker machine.   Continued use creates new thinking expertise.
  • Using a 3D model of “Thinking Points” users are guided to specific thought provokers that should apply to their situation.
  • Using “Thinking Processes” they can navigate to the next or previous logical steps to think through to an action (solution, decision, plan, answer …).

MindSights’ extensive collection of thinking content and 3D Grid Technology is a perfect platform for showcasing and extending your insights into smart phone apps.



S2 What’s the value of Facilitated Thinking Smartphone Apps? (Value proposition)  (top)

  • Business, education and self-help books (training, consulting, videos, etc.) contain great lessons and insights – that’s why people read, take training and buy consulting services!
  • But … how many really remember the lessons in their busy day-to-day lives?
  • How many can easily correlate the lessons to their own situations?  In real time?

Through the magic of smart phones and the extensive content of the MindSights Thinking Emulation Grid, your clients can now apply your insights to their real world challenges.   On the spot. Now that’s smart!



S3 How do your clients/users use Apps?  (top)

  • Mostly they will read your book, take your training or use your consulting services FIRST … but MindSights offers a new way to consume your intellectual property.
  • Facing a situation and (perhaps vaguely) remembering a lesson from you, the user finds the App Collection on their smart phone menu
  • Simple touch navigation finds the relevant app and thought provoking help is moments away in the form of probing Questions and drill down Thinklets.

The user can also store their own set of thought provoking questions for future reference!  In the future they will be able to create a smart phone menu shortcut to directly access favorite apps.



S4 What is the App development process?   (top)      [See detailed process]

  • Developed collaboratively between you and our MindSights experts we will develop smart phone apps that brings to life the relevant lessons and insights from your books, training material, tacit knowledge.  …. using “facilitated thinking” techniques and relevant tools from MindSights
  • We work with you to identify the key lessons that become individual “thinking point” apps within a thinking process.
  • We then work with you for and in-depth analysis and knowledge capture of your thought provokers (mental triggers of all types).
  • Next, we relate your insights and lessons to MindSights library content, including thought provoking questions and appropriate “Thinklets”, which are tools, templates & mini-apps that drill down into the issue.
  • Finally, we create, package and test the app



S5 How can Smartphone Apps bring added value and monetize your intellectual property?   (top)

  • Apps extend your insights and influence people globally.
  • Apps can be sold or basic edition given away free.
  • Free Apps can have optional add-on content (thinklets) for sale.
  • Professional or deluxe Apps could be priced higher per value.
  • Apps could be customized for corporate or organizational clients
  • Enhance your brand by integrating MindSights Apps into your other products & services.
  • Apps could be franchised
  • Add-on content could be offered via a subscription
  • Other contributors can submit adjunct question sets and thinklets for use in your App.
  • Apps content could be licensed to an online or social media integrator



S6 How are the basic Smartphone Apps Sold?  (top)

  We envision the original set of apps to be sold as a downloadable collection under the title of your book, training or expertise.

  Distribution channels:

  Existing e-book distribution channels (Amazon, etc.)

  Publisher , Author and/or MindSights online stores

  Pricing Options:

  ~Equivalent to book or e-book market price

  Enhanced, specialized, deluxe editions with more apps/content would be priced higher per value


S7 What are App product options?  (top)

Product Options: (All products are currently “menu” driven)

  • Smartphone Apps: (standard iPhone, iPad and Android app)
  • Web Mobile Apps: (HTML Apps accessed via smartphone browser)
  • Smartbook Apps: (Desktop, eBook or Kindle type books/apps)

·         Integrated Apps: (Database driven apps)



S8 Where is MindSights going next?   (top)

  We have several strategies to expand the value and reach for our customers:

  Standard and Add-On Multimedia Content:  Such as author video clips, articles, 3rd party commentary/ insights, etc.

  Thought Capture: Allows users to store, print and download their answers/thoughts to any situation in the context of the app.

  Keyword Navigation:  Users type in keywords to find relevant content in a book collection or across Publisher/MindSights libraries.

  Listening Technology:  Hears conversations to suggest thinking point apps that reside on the user’s phone or could be downloaded.

MindSights powerful platform and extensive content will be even more scalable and accessible.






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