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Obstacle (Gap) Analysis


Why Use It

Every problem contains three basic components:

1.   The current state that describes the situation at the beginning of the problem.

2.   The desired or goal state that describes the situation after the problem has been solved.

3.   The obstacles (gap) that make it difficult to proceed from the current state to the goal state.


The purpose of problem solving is to get from the current state to the desired state by means of a series of actions that change or remove the obstacles.  


How to Use It

Use the facilitator template below to identify obstacles.


Obstacle Analysis Template


Define Current Situation (Problem State)



Define Desired Solution (Goal State)



Current Problem State

Desired Solution Goal State


List key problem facts, conditions, measurements, etc.

List the desired or goal state conditions, facts, purposes, measurements, etc.

List the obstacles that prevent moving from the problem state to the desired goal state.