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Implement or Solve Anything … with Ease manrosolve


Why Use It

Use this thinklet to implement or resolve any problem/situation … no matter how difficult. The key is simply to take action on the “easiest part first.” This allows a gradual way of confronting what may appear to be an insurmountable situation.


How to Use It

By solving even the most trivial part of a problem/situation, you will be taking easy to accomplish action steps and gaining confidence to face the next step. Subsequently, taking one easy step at a time will lead to implementing your work plan or solving the entire problem. 








Describe the work task to implement or  problem to solve

Write a short description of what you want to accomplish. 


Ask yourself - Do you have any responsibility, power and control to implement or resolve situation.

If you don’t have responsibility or control over the situation, then it is not your problem to solve. Find the right person who can solve it. Note: Don’t be too quick to find other people; you probably have more control than you realize.


Describe and write down the easiest thing about the situation that you are completely certain you can do something about.

Do not worry if what you wrote down appears trivial. The power of this thinklet is to continue to resolve the problem from the most trivial part upwards until the entire problem is solved.


“Do-It … Did-It date

Note: The hardest part of anything is to get started.

Once you have decided what you can do, then “Just Do It”.  Write down the date you Did It!



Describe the next easiest part of the problem you can do something about and Do It.

After the easiest part of the problem is solved, find the next easiest part that you know with absolute assurance that you can do something about.  Again - Just Do It.


Repeat Step 3 until problem is resolved.

Repeat Step 3 as many times as you need until you have totally confronted and resolved the problem.


Implementation with Ease - How to Resolve Anything – Template



1. Describe the work task to implement or problem to solve.




2. Ask: Do you have the responsibility, control, and skills needed to implement?  If not, describe how you think it should be accomplished.



3. Write down the easiest thing about the work task/ problem that you are 100% certain you can do something. Then, Do It!



4. Did it Date

5. Again, write down the next easiest thing about the work task/problem that you are certain you can accomplish.





6. Repeat the above steps until the situation has been completely resolved. THIS really works!





Adapted from a variety of sources including: Steve Smith, Solve That Problem, (London, Clays Ltd)