Meeting Tips



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Top 10 Meeting Facilitation Tipsanticipate

Meeting Situations

Questions to ask

1.     Check meeting progress

o  How is everyone feeling about our meeting progress?

o  Are we at a point that we need to take a different direction?

o  Does anyone think this meeting is a waste of time and we should adjourn? 

2.     Clarify Understanding

o  Does everyone have the same understanding of where we are right now?

o  Do we need to summarize now?

o  Let’s go around the room and get everyone’s opinion.

3.     Off Agenda

o  Have we digressed from the agenda?

o  Does this topic need to be moved to a “parking it?”

4.     Pace

o  Is the meeting pace too slow, too fast?

o  What can we do to improve the pace?

5.     Reflective Pause

o  Let’s pause and recap to make sure we have not missed anything important?

o  What new thought/idea did anyone hear that you would like to pursue?

o  What is on everyone’s mind right now?

6.     Participation

o  Is everyone comfortable with participation levels?

o  What can we do to improve participation?

7.     Priorities

o  Does the work we are proposing have high, medium or low priorities?

o  Does the work align with other priorities?

8.     No Decision

o  We have not made a decision yet. How can we remove barriers to decision making?

9.     Action Items

o  Is everyone committed to the decision and the action items to implement?

10.   Follow-up

o  What follow-up is needed for each action item and who will do it?