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Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

NGT provides time for participants to collect and articulate their own thoughts before group discussion begins. This helps ensure valuable input from everyone. Here’s how to use it.




1.    State topic

Present the issue, topic or question to meeting participants.

2.    Silently generate ideas

Provide 5-10 minutes for each person to silently write down as many responses, ideas, and suggestions as possible. 

3.    Round table list of responses

Collect one response from each meeting participant and record it on an electronic flip chart or board. Note: No discussion is permitted. Proceed around the table until all responses are listed.

4.    Clarify responses

Review each idea/suggestion to ensure everyone has a clear understanding.

5.    Categorize responses

The whole group categorizes all the responses/ideas and summarizes them to eliminate duplication. At this time ideas/suggestions can be combined, modified or new ideas added.

6.    Group discussion

The group discusses and prioritizes ideas and suggestions.

Adapted from various sources including: Debecq, A.L. & Van de Ven, A.H. (1971) Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 7(1).