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Re-energizing your Meeting breaks

Three ways to do it:

1.       Physical movement

2.       Silence

3.        Fun with Worst Idea


1.  Physical Movement [Top]

Movement keeps energy and involvement high during meetings. Consider:

·      Getting “oxygen” to participants’ brains promotes alertness.

o  Try some deep breathing

o  Do some stretching exercises


·      Changing surroundings overcomes boredom and encourages new interactions.

o  Change seats

o  Change something in the meeting.



2. Silence [Top]

This is a powerful but little used meeting productivity tool. A silent period as short as 2-4 minutes allows people to refresh their conscious minds … and even lets their subconscious mind come up with new creative insights. Consider having participants: 


First 2 minutes: Participants should NOT think about the meeting by doing one of the following:

o  Relax and put heads down.

o  Simply concentrate and pay attention to breathing.

o  Focus on an object in the room.

o  Think about a relaxing memory.

o  Use a meditation mantra.


Next 1-2 minutes

·      Tap into your subconscious for 30 seconds and write down whatever comes to mind, no matter how absurd it may appear. DO NOT consciously think … JUST WRITE.

·      Over the next 1-1 ½ minutes, consciously think about what you just write down. See if there are any new insights.



twit  breaks

3. Fun with the Worst Idea [Top]

Whenever a meeting seems to be getting bogged down, add some fun by having participants spend 2-3 minutes coming up with the worst idea/thought on a topic. 


As strange as it may sound, entertaining seemingly absurd ideas can lead to new ideas and insights.