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Using this App

How can this facilitated thinking app be used?

1.                Personally use as a self-development learning tool.

2.                Teachers use as a course supplement.

3.                Students use during class discussion to facilitate thinking.

4.                Students use as part of project learning.

5.                Teacher can use as part of a “How to Think” course.

6.                Meeting participant’s use during meetings to facilitate.

7.                Meeting planner use to prepare for problem solving meeting.

8.                As a ready reference source, anytime and anyplace.

9.                Consultants or counselors use to guide their clients or students.


Educational Benefits

·      Apps allow students to take more control of their own learning and learn at their own pace.

·      For some students, using these apps can be less intimidating than participating in a classroom.

·      Smartphone apps offer completely safe, unbiased, and a non-judgmental environment for students self assessment.  

·      Unbiased apps can ask students’ questions that help them become more conscious of their own personal characteristics, beliefs, and behavior patterns.

·      Question oriented apps promote students ability to ask good questions.

·      Teachers can turn course syllabus into an app.

·      Student will view apps as a neutral facilitator that promotes character education in an unbiased way.

·      Students can continue to use apps on the job or in their personal lives.

·      Smartphone apps allow students to explore their own ideas and solutions more thoroughly before interacting with a teacher or counselor.

·      Students can update apps with their own knowledge and share it with others


Business Benefits: Tacit knowledge capture apps

·      Before valuable knowledge leaves your business, turn employee tacit knowledge into apps that benefit your organization

·      Add value to your current training courses by embedding smartphone apps that students take with them.

·      Turn you existing training into custom apps that include your clients tools and intellectual property.

·      Turn your training into a customized consulting services linked to your client’s workplace.

·      Develop new customized training to meet specific user/project requirements

·      Develop apps for Independent consultants who have highly skilled subject matter expertise.

·      Develop apps for internal organization consultants who have specialized company expertise.

·      Develop apps for Industry consultants who have unique industry specific knowledge.