Question Sets




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Facilitator Questions

Finding and asking the right questions gives the mind

the best chance to find the right answers.


Define problem & goal

o What about this problem needs to change immediately?

o How would you state the problem in 10-15 words?

o How might other people state the problem differently?   

o What would be the consequences of doing nothing?

o  How will the problem/situation look after it’s been resolved?  Write a short goal statement.

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Analyze facts & obstacles

o When did this problem first occur?

o What key facts do you know with 100% certainty?

o Do other people see these facts differently? How?

o What change(s) were made just before the problem started?

o What is the main obstacle that if fixed might resolve the problem?

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Find solutions

o Quickly list as many solutions (good or bad) in 3 minutes.

o What would be an ideal solution?

o What is the most practical idea/solution for the problem?

o What is the easiest solution to implement?

o Brainstorm at least 15-20 other ideas (solutions).

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Decide on best solution

o What is the most important criterion for evaluating alternative solutions?

o Who should make the decision?

o What alternative best solves the problem and meets stated goals?

o What alternative is easiest to implement?

o Does the decision (solution) create other potential problems?

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Determine implementation actions

o Is everyone completely committed to executing this decision no matter what?

o What are the most important action steps needed to implement this solution?

o What are the major obstacles to implementation? How can they be overcome?

o What milestones would help measure implementation progress?

o Are resources available to implement in a timely manner?

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