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Eye-of-the-Beholder Viewpoints  tool4a

Why Use It

Problems and opportunities are often truly in the “eyes of the beholder.” What is a problem or opportunity for some people ... may not be for others. Actively seek to imagine how others might describe a problem to gain a broader perspective on any situation.


How to Use It

Use this thinklet to identify different viewpoints and help ensure you are solving the right problem. Add viewpoints to fit your situation.


Original Problem/Opportunity Statement



Different Viewpoints

Restate the Original Problem

Owner’s Eyes

Restate the problem from the ‘eyes’ of the person responsible for resolving it.


Empathy Eyes

Restate the problem from the ‘eyes’ of other people involved with it.


Fresh Eyes

Speculate how people not close or involved with the situation might see it.


Opposite Eyes

State the situation from the ‘eyes’ of a person who holds the opposite viewpoint.


Unbiased Eyes

Identify personal or team biases that might influence the perception of the problem. Restate it from an unbiased perspective.


Others Eyes



Final Problem Statement