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Setting ground rulesanticipate

Paradoxically, establishing meeting ground rules can build trust. Ground rules set acceptable standards of meeting etiquette, help reduce polarizing behavior, and foster listening and dialogue. Consider ground rules by asking questions like:

o  Is a rule needed to allow or not allow judgmental criticism?

o  Will any questions be considered foolish?

o  Is a rule needed to honor all opinions and concerns?

o  What decision making process will be used? 

o  Do you need a rule to get everyone to fully participate, and no one to dominate?

o  How do we resolve conflict if it arises?

o  What rules will help ensure that we stay on track and on time?

o  Is a rule needed for people coming to the meeting unprepared?

o  Do you need a parking lot rule if you get off the agenda?

o  Is a rule needed for succinctness?

o  Is a rule needed to respect those not present?

o  What actions are required if ground rules are broken?

o  A bottom line rule: Constructively critique ideas ... not people. Never make personal attacks.