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Question Sets

Cogntive Tools by Tasks

Cogntive Tools by Alpha




Thinklets by Task


Define problem & goal

Eyes-of-the-beholder:  How do other people view the same problem?


Problem and Goal statements: A clear problem & goal statements make finding a solution easier.


Reframe the Problem: Maximizes the likelihood solving the correct problem.


Analyze facts & obstacles

Obstacle Analysis: Identify obstacles that are preventing reaching your goal.


Background & Transient Data:  Understand current data and how the problem came about.


Find solutions

Brainstorm with Note Card: Quickly create ideas from everyone at once.


Decide on best solution

Prioritization Matrix: Prioritize high value solutions that are easy to implement.


Determine implementation actions

Backwards Planning: Plan the work tasks/actions to implement solution.


Implement or solve anything …with EASE: Easily resolve and implement even the most difficult problems.