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o   What financial criteria must be met?

o   Are there any mandatory criteria that a solution must meet?

o   What “standards” must any proposed solution meet?

o   What must not happen?

o   Does the solution need to align with any larger objectives?

o   What decision making method should be used? Rank Order? 10 Point scale? Pros & Cons? Consensus?

o   Are all the right decision makers here? Do they have decision making authority?

o   Make the Decision?  Why is it the right one?

o   Why didn’t you decide on other alternatives?

o   How does the solution compare to what it is replacing?

o   Is the solution a short-term remedy but a long-term loss?

o   Are there any fatal flaws in the solution that make it impossible to implement?

o   Setting aside all bias, fear, worry and uncertainty, what is everyone’s deepest gut level decision?