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Define problem & goal (20 min.)      (Return)

o   From whose viewpoint is this not a problem? Why?

o   What are the main reasons this problem needs resolution?

o   Is this a one-time situation that is not likely to happen again?

o   How would you state the problem so there is no problem?

o   Why hasn’t something already been done about this situation?

o   When will the problem stop being a problem?

o   Can the whole problem/situation be solved or just a part?

o   What part of the problem can you most directly control?

o   Is this problem just noise and a waste of time?

o   Who gains from this problem/situation?  Who loses? Why?

o   What other problems are interconnected with this one?

o   How can the goal statement be restated to make it clearer?

o   What is a larger goal that would eliminate the need to achieve your  stated goal?