MindSights Thinklets Toolkit Example As technology evolves, it is
no longer as important how much you personally remember, but rather how
quickly you can access the right information and right cognitive tools to
help enhance your natural thinking abilities.
Below is MindSights Thinklets Toolkit
Main Menu. Use it to access a 575 page wikipedia-like MS Word hypertext
application containing cognitive tools distilled from over 25,000 pages of
information and 5 years of research.
Simply click on the blue hyperlinks to view sub-menus
The [Home] button brings you back. Note: Gray
hyperlinks are not active in demo. |
MindSights Thinklets
Illegal Copy & Distribution: Only authorized licensee can use this
product. Copying and distributing in full or in part to unauthorized
people is illegal.
work efforts (critical thinking) in business and organizations typically
have one of the following 7 aims. Click on blue links
Like any manual tool, performance is based on choosing the
right tool for the task-at-hand. Find
the tool you need and then consider customizing with your own knowledge. 1.
Observe and become aware of problems & opportunities 2.
Define and describe the problem or situation. 3.
Analyze and understand the details. 4.
Create and innovate something new or different 5.
Systems Think the whole problem or situation 6.
Tap into Subconscious
Use these question sets to find the right questions to ask.
Use this Meetings (Go buttons) to quickly help find the
right tools to use and questions to ask during your meeting.
Use the following basic management and
leadership functions to find the right tools and questions to ask that
stimulate individual and group productivity of thought.
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