Basic “90-minute” Problem Solving Coach $9.95       

Use this application when you or your team need to develop a quick resolution.

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Problem: An urgent problem needs resolution immediately.


Solution: In as little as 90 minutes, this basic problem solving application will guide you or your meeting through a simple series of questions and tools that increases effectiveness, quality of results and enough certainty and agreement that you can take effective action.


This application follows a five step (task) process that uses basic problem solving tools, techniques and questions commonly asked by skilled problem solvers. 


Step 1: Write a Problem & a Goal statement

Step 2: Understand the problem and analyze obstacles

Step 3: Find Solutions

Step 4: Decide on the best solution

Step 5: Determine implementation action steps


Since every situation is different, it is not recommended that you answer every question or complete every template. Use only the ones that fit your need.


Screen shot: Below is a screen shot of the toolkit menu. Note: blue hyperlinks are not active.


Toolkit Menu

Task 1: Write both Problem & Goal statements (20 min.)


Problem and Goal Statement: Seeds of solutions are buried in clear problem/goal statements.


Eyes-of-the-beholder:  Thinking is shaped by how the problem/goal is viewed.

Task 2: Understand the problem and analyze obstacles (15 min.)


Basic Background & Transient Information:  Understand the nature, scope and how the situation came about.


Obstacle (Gap) Analysis: Problem solving a series of actions that change or remove obstacles that are preventing reaching the goal.

Task 3: Find Solutions (30 min.)


List and Categorize Ideas Template: Generate a large number of ideas


Basic Creativity & SCAMPER Questions: Directs you to think about a situation in ways that help come up with new ideas

Task 4: Decide on the best solution (15 min.)


Prioritization Matrix: Prioritize alternatives that are easy to accomplish and have high value.


Evaluation Criteria Checklist:  Helps identify the right decision making criteria.

Task 5: Determine implementation action steps (10 min.)


Action Work Plan: Action plan development represents the critical stage in planning when general strategies and goals are made specific and aligned with resources.



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