Professional Meeting Facilitator - $19.95

This application empowers any meeting leader with professional skills to run successful meetings, every time!

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Problem: Literature describing how to hold successful meetings has been widely disseminated and in abundance for over 40 years. Today, Amazon has over 300 offerings for “improving meetings”. One of them, How to Make Meetings Work, a book published by Michael Doyle in 1976, is still selling well. So WHY ARE so many people still complaining about wasted time in unproductive meetings?


The reason is current meeting practices focus on agendas and “WHAT” the meeting should accomplish. But as professional facilitators know, it is more critical to focus on process and “How” to accomplish results.


Solution: The secrets for successful meetings come from having a “Facilitator Mindset” that concentrates on “How” to improve meeting participants’ “productivity of thought.” This application is like having a facilitator-in-a-box ready to guide you to plan, run, and follow-up to ensure effective meeting results.


Screen shot: Below is a screen shot of the toolkit menu. Note: blue hyperlinks are not active.








Professional Meeting Facilitator

(Planning and Running Great Meetings – Every Time)


Main Menu  summarymenu detailedtoc tocmainmenu


Navigation & the Secrets of Professional Meeting Facilitators


   Step 1: Planning the Meeting

    Decide if a meeting is even needed.

    Basic meeting components and decisions.

    Meeting Purpose & Planning Thinklet

    Identify the right meeting Participants


   Step 2: Developing the Agenda  

    Prepare for opening the meeting     

       (Introductions, Meeting Focus & Ground Rules) 

    Prepare Agenda

         Prepare for closing the meeting


   Step 3: Leading the Meeting

    Determine your meeting delivery approach

    Determine meeting logistics

    Select Meeting Productivity tools

    Anticipate common meeting problems


   Step 4: Post-meeting Evaluation and Action item Follow-up

    Post meeting basics

    Conduct a facilitator assessment

    Conduct post meeting Evaluation & Action Follow-up


Addendum I: Meeting Productivity Tools







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