Goal Setting Assistant - $9.95

Use this application to set meaningful goals that are achievable.

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Problem: “If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to get there?”   Unknown


Solution: The above quote essentially says describes the purpose of goal setting. Use the following four step process to describes what the problem or opportunity will look like after it has been resolved. Without clear goals and objectives, people scatter ideas around as they occur.


Step 1: State the situation that needs a goal and why is it needed.

Step 2: Write a goal statement and validate its reasonableness.

Step 3: Align goals with organization, group, and personal goals.

Step 4: Establish Milestones, Objectives & Action Steps.


Screen shot: Below is a screen shot of the toolkit menu. Note: blue hyperlinks are not active.

Goal Setting Toolkit Menu toolmenu


Step 1: State the situation that needs a goal and why is it needed.


Purposes & Goals Analysis:  Expand thinking to produce more all-encompassing ideas.


Vision and Mission Statements:  Prepare statements that guide people’s actions and work


Personal Visioning:   Uncover personal desires that might not be fully obvious.

Step 2: Write a goal statement and validate its reasonableness.


Goal Statement Development:  Goal setting provides the roadmap for success.


SMART Goal: Specific. Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Timely goals.


Personal Goal Setting:  Identify personal life goals and align with work goals


Goal Analysis and Obstacles:   Find and overcome obstacles to reach the desired goal.

Step 3: Align goals with organization, group, and personal goal.


Balanced Scorecard – Dashboard:  Align project goals with strategic objectives/goals. 


Group Goal Setting:  Clearly align personal work goals with group and project goals.

Step 4: Establish Milestones, Objectives & Action Steps.


Roadmap: To optimize chances to successfully reach your goals, develop a roadmap.


Action Plan: Documents the work activities, sequence, schedule and responsibilities.




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