Personal Innovation Consultant - $29.95

This application empowers workers to make innovative performance improvements in their own jobs.

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Innovation Handbook



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Problem: Your job … your career … and even your organization’s survival are now dependant on continuous innovation.


Solution: This application is designed to learn innovation by doing it.  It is for you to take control and make your own job better.  It’s not about you suggesting ideas for others to do something about, but focuses on implementing ideas that you can do yourself.


It works by guiding your thinking within a personal innovation process that delivers the right questions to ask and tools to use to: improve customer satisfaction, improve quality, eliminate wasted work, reduce costs, and speed the time it takes to deliver products and services to your customers.


DEMO: Click here for a demo.


Screen shot: Below is a screen shot of the Home Table of Contents. Note: blue hyperlinks are not active.





Nth Degree Software



Personal Innovation   


“Facilitated Thinking Environment”


Home Table of Contents (Sitemap)home menu pershome home1

(Click on blue hyperlinks) 



Personal Innovation Process Menu

[Go to step/task level menu]


        Step 1: Ready yourself for innovation                                                                     

        Step 2: Operational excellence innovations.                                                           

        Step 3: Customer Product/Service excellence innovations.                                   

        Step 4: Personal Performance excellence innovations.                                         

        Step 5: Turn creative ideas into valuable innovations.                                            

        Step 6: Decide, implement and get feedback on innovations.                                







     My Innovation Portfolio


     Appendix:  Facilitated Thinking Technology Approach to Learning






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