Who Moved My Cheese?





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Story The Story

The story, Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, is about managing and adapting to change. It is written as a parable that shows our natural tendency to resist change. In the story, two mice Sniff and Scurry and two little people Hem and Haw face unexpected change as their supply of cheese runs out.


The story illustrates how these characters respond differently to the uncertainty that accompanies change.

o  Sniff … sniffs out change early.

o  Scurry … scurries into action.

o  Hem … resists change for fear it will lead to something worse.

o  Haw … adapts to change when he sees change leading to something better.


The story offers the following 7 principles for dealing with change in our personal and work lives:



Change Happens (My cheese keeps moving.)


Anticipate Change (Get ready for my cheese to move.)


Monitor Change (Smell the cheese often so I know when it is getting old.)


Adapt to change quickly (The quicker I let go of the old cheese, The sooner I can enjoy the new cheese.)


Change (Move with the cheese.)


Enjoy Change (Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese.)


Be Ready to Change Quickly and Enjoy it Again & Again (They keep moving my cheese)


These are wonderful concepts and truths for everyone to learn and follow. The hard part is putting them into practice. But … that’s where this App comes into play.  Go to App synopsis