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     Tutorial: Facilitated Thinking










Why is Facilitated Thinking Technology needed?


We all Think! Why is it time we need to think better?


In simple terms, life is about adapting to constant change. In the distant past (15-20 years ago), change was slow and society and individuals had time to easily adapt.


As technology quickly advances and as our world gets more interconnected … change is happening almost at hyper speed. And as change accelerates … so does the need for higher order thinking.


Dr. Edward deBono said in his book, Think! Before It’s Too Late:  

The biggest problem facing the world today is not pollution, war, poverty or climate change, but inadequate thinking”.


Think or Die!


Associated with change is an irrefutable law of nature: all species must adapt to constant change … or die. The bottom line is we are at an evolutionary time that people must “Think” their way through change … at the exact moment that change occurs.


Facilitated Thinking Technology is simply a natural evolution of tools to make that happen.


For a more detailed description set this white paper:

o  The Age of Exponential Change: The start of a new workforce era.


Or download these handbooks:


o  It’s Time to Think: Readying students for a constantly changing workplace.  (Using Facilitated Thinking smartphone technology)


o  Full Spectrum Innovation: Managing change though innovative thinking


o  Conscious Spiritual Thinking: Living and Thinking in the Present Moment




 Go To Facilitated Thinking Technology

·      What is it?

·      Why it’s need?

·      How it works?