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     Tutorial: Facilitated Thinking











What is Facilitated Thinking Technology (FTT)


Defined in one sentence: It's about Thinking better ... INSTANTLY!


Defined in a short synopsis:

How do exceptional thinkers …think? They share these three common thinking traits:


·      They know the right “Questions to Ask.”

·      They know the right “Cogntive Tools to Use.”

·      They know the right “Thinking Process to Follow.”



The purpose of Facilitated Thinking Technology is to emulate these traits by making the right (Questions, Tools, Process) available in Smartphone apps. The goal is to use the apps in real-time to improve individual and team thinking effectiveness.


Using Facilitated Thinking apps is like having a skilled consultant or expert available at all time to provide intellectual guidance.


Defined in a more detailed description


1.                Asking the right questions:  The right questions give your mind the best chance to find the right answers and actions to take. When you ask the right questions, you succeed as an effective thinker. When you don’t, you greatly diminish your thinking capabilities.


2.                Applying the right cognitive tools: Using the right cognitive tools is like using any manual tool, choose the one appropriate for the task at hand. Using the wrong cognitive tool is like a carpenter using a hammer when they should have used a saw.


3.                Follow the right thinking process: Thinking Processes are the mental structures or frameworks in which thought occurs.   Thinking processes are essentially a sequencing of thinking tasks. Skipping or missing a thinking task can lead to ineffective thinking. Here is a process example. 


a.    Choosing the right thinking process (framework) affects the questions you ask.

b.    Questions you ask affects the information you gather.

c. Information gathered affects your analysis of the situation.

d.    Analysis of the situation affects your conclusions.

e.    Conclusions affect your development of ideas and solutions

f.   And Ideas and solutions affect the actions you take.


Limitation of Human Memory & Facilitated Thinking Technology


Studies have shown that the average person remembers only 2-4% of what they learn. So when the time comes to apply learning … much has been forgotten. Because of our memory limitation, people rarely bring to mind all the right questions to ask, tools to use and process steps to follow.


Facilitated Thinking Technology apps sever as an extended memory. The apps provide in real-time cognitive tools, called thinklets.  Thinklets function as if a human consultant, expert or professor were working right with you and providing intellectual direction to help you find your own best answers, ideas, solutions and decisions.


Defined in a White Paper

For an even more detailed description see this white paper at: Facilitated Thinking Technology: A fifty-fold increase in thinking productivity.




 Go To Facilitated Thinking Technology

·      What is it?

·      Why it’s need?

·      How it works?