Who Moved My Cheese?












1.               Overview

2.               Lessons Learned

3.               How to use app

4.               Facilitated Thinking Technology

·     What is it?

·     Why it’s need?

·      How it works?


Overview over


Story Theme: Who Moved My Cheese is about overcoming our fear of change in order to adapt to it. The key question in the story is; “What would I do if I were not afraid to change?”


How to overcome our fear of change: Most of us believe that change will lead to something bad or worse than what we have. To overcome that fear we need to improve our ability to think through changes to better see their impacts and take appropriate actions.


Being stuck in routine thinking patterns: The story describes how many of us are stuck in old ways of doing things. This means we become stuck in using routine thinking patterns, called scripted thinking. Obviously if we keep using the same type of thinking we will continue to get the same result.


The problem of becoming a better “change-adept” thinker: Mastering change through better thinking has a major problem … most of us to not have very good memories. Studies have shown that the average person only remembers 2-4% of what they have been taught or read (including Who Moved My Cheese). The problem is when the time comes to “think” and apply what we have learned … we don’t remember much of it.


The solution: This App is a Facilitated Thinking application. It’s like having an extended memory and functions like having a skilled consultant or teacher available to you in real-time to help improve your “change-adept” thinking.


How does it work? Facilitated thinking apps like this one work by emulating how “Exceptional Thinkers … Think.” These thinkers share three common thinking traits:

1: They ask the right questions.

2: They apply the right cognitive tools, called thinklets.

3: They follow the right thinking process