Who Moved My Cheese?


     Thinklets Toolkit









Applet 1: Change Happens - tbd


Applet 2: Anticipate Change - tbd


Applet 3: Monitor Change

Work Life Thinklets

Becoming a Great Observer

Monitoring change comes from being an expert observer.

Work Observation Log

Discover and monitor what’s really going on in your JOB!

Eye-of-the-beholder Viewpoints

Monitor how others view change to get a broader perspective!

Personal Life Thinklets

Busyness Syndrome

Make time to pay attention to change,.

Mindfulness “Change” Journaling

Discover and monitor what’s really going on in your LIFE!

Personal Observation & Understanding

Realistically understand changes in your LIFE!


Applet 4: Adapt to Change Quickly - tbd


Applet 5: Change - tbd


Applet 6: Enjoy Change - tbd


Applet 7: Be Ready to Change Quickly and Again & Again

Work Life Thinklets

Continuously change & improve your job

Find incremental changes in your job.

Re-invent  Your Job

Proactively change your job, or your job may cease to exist.

Analyze Current Trends

Organizations that thrive analyze trends to prepare for changing needs.

Personal Life Thinklets

Futures Thinking

Prepare for a less certain and faster arriving future.