Who Moved My Cheese?


     Handwriting on Wall Applets














In addition to asking the right questions and using the right tools, exceptional thinkers understand that thinking will be haphazard in the absence of an effective thinking process.


This app is based on the 7 Handwriting on the Wall principles and represents a “change-adept” thinking process. Consider using them all … in sequence if possible.




Use apps to answer questions like these

Applet 1. Change Happens

(They keep moving the cheese)

How do I currently respond to change in my work/life?

Applet 2. Anticipate Change

(Get ready for the cheese to move)

How can I take more control of my life by reducing uncertainty?

Applet 3. Monitor Change

(Smell the cheese often so you know if it’s getting old)

How do I keep from being surprised by change and left behind?

Applet 4. Adapt to change quickly

(The quicker you let go of the old cheese, The sooner you can enjoy the new cheese)

How do I keep myself ready to adapt to continuous change?

Applet 5. Change

(Move with the cheese)

How do I create the habit to effectively thinking-through each change as it occurs?

Applet 6. Enjoy Change

(Savor the adventure and enjoy the taste of new cheese)

How do I look at change as an opportunity for positive things to happen … not negative?

Applet 7. Be Ready to Change and Enjoy it Again & Again

(They keep moving the cheese)

How do I think about the future to better plan and manage lifetime changes?