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Thinklets Toolkit


Apply Cogntive Tools to Your Thinking


Here’s a simple but effective thinklet (cognitive tool) to help you start to figure out how you may want to change.  Use it to look at your work and personal life.




Work/Life Change

Stop-Start-More-Less Grid


Ask yourself the following questions and post your answers in the grid below.

o  STOP - What work/life activities am I doing that aren’t productive and should be stopped?

o  START - What work/life activities should I start doing that I’m not doing now?

o  MORE – Are there valuable work/life activities that I should do more of?

o  LESS – What work/life activities have partial value and I should do less of?


Now, look at the grid and analyze what work/life activities you could STOP or do LESS of. With the time you’ve saved, analyze the  START/MORE quadrants for work to begin or do more of.














Personal Life Change

Stop-Start-More-Less Grid


Ask yourself the following questions to get a quick reading on how to change your life! Write answers in the gird.

o  STOP – things you’re doing in your life that aren’t getting the results you want. 

o  START – things you’re not doing but know would make a difference in your life. 

o  MORE – things you’re doing that if you did more of would make you life better.

o  LESS – things you’re doing that you could skip or defer without a big impact on your life.


Now, look at the grid and analyze what you could STOP or do LESS of. With the time you’ve saved, analyze the START/MORE quadrants for things you want to begin or do more of.