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Nth Degree Software


Futures Thinking





The future is arriving faster … and with less certainty.


Why Use It

Since the future has not yet happened, futures thinking is about developing alternatives and deciding what actions are needed today to get to a desired future. In general, it is better to anticipate and plan for change rather than simply waiting and reacting to it. In the long run, the companies (and individuals) that succeed the most are the ones that best analyze trends and prepare for change.


How to Use It


Three ways to think about the future.


1.Possible Futures: Represents all the alternative futures that lay within the realm of probability for occurring, whether likely or unlikely, conventional or unconventional.


2.Probable Future: Represents the one future that is most likely to occur. This view of the future is usually the result of trend extrapolation and describes what things would be like if present conditions remain fairly constant.


3.Preferable Future: Represents the most positive or desired future. It is derived by looking at the future from an idealistic perspective. This type of thinking produces the best breakthroughs and radical innovations.


How do I start to become a Futures Thinker?


The future will happen no matter what you do, but if you want it to be a good future, you need to work at it. Ask these questions to get yourself and your organization started for getting better control over your future.


Key Futures Thinking Questions

1.    What are likely to be your biggest problems in the future?

2.    What opportunities might exist in the future that do not exist today?

3.    What might replace you in the future?

4.    Over the past couple of years, what changes have you noticed in your customers?

5.    What are your customers’ future needs?

6.    Are goals in the future likely to be the same as the current goals?

7.    What is the most likely or probable thing to happen in the future?

8.    What ideally or preferably should the future become?

9.    If you had absolute power and control, what would the future look like?